TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Can you apply for housing when you get 6 tabs or do you need to wait for AIS to update? (We don’t have either yet, just trying to be optimistic!)

Can anyone help me understand how the waitlist process works? I have not been able to get an answer from TAMU. My DD applied in November, was given Waitlist option in mid-January, responded right away with “waitlist only,” and her application still says “under review.” Is her position on the waitlist based on her date of application, date of waitlist option, ranked by stats, etc? Do they release waitlist spots in waves or no a trickle as declines come back?

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I do not see where it’s a requirement to stay in the honors dorm for the University Honors program. I believe once you get the 6 tabs you can apply for housing. My youngest decided on an apartment so we aren’t applying. My first Aggie stayed in the commons and chose a completely random person for her roommate. It worked out great for them and they are now in a townhouse together. I believe there’s a page on Instagram that they can actually meet other Aggies that they may want to room with.

My screenshot won’t post (user error I am sure) but here is what the LAUNCH site says about UniversityHonors:

Application Details

Incoming freshman students are admitted to the University Honors Program on a competitive basis. In addition to the ApplyTexas or Coalition application for university admission, incoming freshmen must submit a supplemental application and sign a Housing contract with Residence Life, indicating a preference for the Honors Housing Community Living Learning Program by the deadline for their application year.

Freshmen admitted to the University Honors Program are required to live in the [Honors Housing Community] and participate in the Honors Hullaballoo U first year experience course (UGST 181 Honors Family Meeting).

I can only speak from my daughters experience last year. She was waitlisted. She chose to waitlist for both Blinn and Full Admit on the advice of the admissions counselor. He said that it was not a “first come, first serve” waitlist. Meaning if you are first on the waitlist, you may not be first to get an offer. He pretty much told us that they look at all those potential students who were accepted - how many of those turned down their offer. Then, we slots opened up, they went to the waitlist. He said it was a waiting game - waiting for those to turn down offers. He even told her that it could be after May after the deadline. Our daughter received full admit in Mid April - she was chemistry. The next day she requested to change majors to Allied Health and was granted admission to Allied Health in 24 hours. We were worried that getting accepted so late would put her behind the curve ball. She easily got a dorm (did not get to pick roommate and maybe not first choice of dorm), easily got NSC and register for classes. She got Fish Camp, and Impact Camp without difficulty.


Hang in there. Last year our daughter didnt get accepted until Mid April. The admissions counselor actually told her it could be as late as May depending on how many slots open up.

When you get 6 tabs. And when you do go to housing application and click 21/22 apply at top. It doesn’t look like button but that is how you get to the housing application. Prayers for you and your student!

@Howdy_Hopeful sorry for the confusion! You said you daughter applied for ‘honors college’. There is an Honors program for Forensic. There is also University Honors, which is not major specific-a totally separate program. She could’ve applied to both. UH requires a separate application, Forensic honors does not. It is confusing.
I assumed you meant she applied for Forensic honors.
Yes, it is a requirement to live in either Lechner or McFadden, if selected to be in University Honors as a freshman.
I have no idea how University Honors selects applicants, their website details are vague. UH doesn’t seem to be a ‘team player’, as ResLife has very specific timelines. It seems many bank of getting accepted to UH, which includes living in UH dorms…then they’re in a real bind when they don’t get into UH.
Unfortunately it’s really out of your control. Your daughter can’t do anything, until she gets a decision about university acceptance. Even if she gets accepted today or tomorrow, she may not hear back from UH until March 31.
There is plenty of off campus housing-don’t sign a lease anywhere yet. There is not plenty of dorm space, however spots do open up late.
I think applying so late has definitely hurt your daughter, as many apply August 1. I don’t think it’s necessary to submit application August 1 @ 12:01 as many do (my student applied mid August, was accepted 9/15, the very 1st day), but waiting to apply after mid September is definitely a gamble.
Everything at A&M is competitive. EVERYTHING. Easily 50k+ apply, for 11-12k+ spots. Those that apply early, with great stats, will have an advantage over those that apply late.
Does she have other acceptances/options?

Good morning, my son got the 6 tabs this morning, but it is not allowing us to go into my housing portal. We keep getting a message of

Login to StarRez Portal failed. Reason login error. Please try again


We got 6 tabs this morning! Major changed from Animal Science Fall-2021 to BAC-GEST Summer 2021. I assume that’s gateway?



Congratulations!!! :clap:t4::partying_face:

Housing portal should be open once your have 6 tabs!!! Make sure you get the email that phase 1 is complete and it’ll give you a date for phase 2.

CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO GOT 6 TABS. I finally got it too for Blinn and I am so happy right now. @AggieMomhelp, Thank you so much for always being active and supporting us, it means so much for someone to help us with our future.


Omg omg omg. I have been waiting right along with y’all! Finally!!! So excited for your family! As I’ve said many times… gateway is my favorite type of acceptance! Whoop and welcome to Aggieland!


That’s fantastic. So happy for you. Blinn team will give you many options to get to full time Tamu! You’re going to love it here. Be sure you know your degree plan backwards and forwards! If you ever have issues with it, I’m happy to help.


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Thank you! I’ve been crying all morning.


So happy to see so many acceptances this week! Has any Mays/Economics apps who selected Waitlist/Team heard anything?

Sorry, I haven’t responded earlier. Yes, my daughter did one year at Corpus and transfer in under the PSA program. She has been what I would consider quite successful at TAMU. She is set to graduate a semester early and currently would be Magna Cum Laude, and has decided that she wants to go to graduate school.

She was able to quickly find her people when she got to TAMU, despite being what I would consider significantly further left than what you might think of traditional TAMU students. She is now an office in her Department Student organization. Once it is all done, she will have a BS from TAMU and no one will ever know or care that she went through PSA, unless she decides to share her experience.


  • Guaranteed admission if you meet the requirements
  • Opportunity to experience college life at a smaller school
  • Excellent support staff in Corpus to ensure that transferring is easy
  • Her back up school was TAMU-CC and since she was offered PSA at all 8 school it was an easy decision
  • She had a small cohort of friends when she got to CS, from her time at CC
  • At Corpus, they all knew who was in PSA and supported each other (my daughter helped Tutor a couple of LA majors that were struggling in Biology and helped them transfer as well)


  • Offer of admission took so long (mid-June maybe), even with PSA, we did not hear until only the last day of New Student Conference was available
  • Not really bad, but she had to think long and hard about leaving Corpus, it was really close she was going to stay
  • Just a small delay in getting involved in Student Life (of course now made worse with the Pandemic

Anyone have this issue?

Congratulations to everyone that got blinn team and gateway? Can y’all share your stats please. Thanks!!