TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Still “complete and in review”…change of major button still there, crickets since applied on Sept. 5th.


me too. applied in August and crickets here as well. Several more classmates got admitted today but not her. She is starting to feel really down.


Same here :tired_face:


Same here complete and in review since October 30:(


Ditto to all the above…still in Review with no changes in AIS…

…and we had an AWESOME time at Tech today…neither he nor I were expecting to like it this much!


Daughter is in same boat here. Still in review for Kinesiology. She was admitted to Galveston in November with a scholarship for Oceans & One Health.

She visited UT Austin today and hated it so she has declined her admission. We revisit A&M tomorrow, but she has substantial offers from UMN - Twin Cities, UW Madison, UTD, UTA, U of H, Clemson and Spelman. Hoping for some movement from College Station soon.

3.96 UW GPA:
1st Quartile
-In state Homeschooled (took all classes via independent teachers/online academies- verifiable)
-1 AP, 7 honors
-strong essays
-unique EC’s (crewed hot air balloons at the international Balloon Fiesta, 250+ volunteer hours)
-test optional
-published research paper on impact of cloning
-2 LOR’s
-first gen & biracial


I’m shocked she hasn’t been accepted to Tamu since already accepted to UT. Great ECs. That hot air balloon sounds fun but scary lol

As for the (((sighs))) out there, hang in there. I know the struggle, there’s a big bus!!!

@Momof3B so excited y’all liked tech. I did too. Never did a tour but drove through and around. So much school spirit there for sure.

Im wondering if it is the lack of AP classes or that she was already admitted to TAMUG? We just didnt have the access to AP classes until this year but she does have advanced math and sciences, so not sure. It will work out the way it is meant to be. Is it still an option to transfer from TAMUG to CS after her first year/or 1st semester?

You just need to have her follow the degree plan requirements for change of major. There may be credit hour requirements or just course requirements or both. If she completes them first semester then have her apply for change as soon. As grades are official. Have her speak with advisor in her major at Cstat.

Honestly I wouldn’t rush for spring semester. So many kinks to work out with housing, clubs, meeting people, getting acclimated quickly etc. a full year at Galveston would be a blast. Especially the spring!!! So I hear!

Thanks for the advise! I will pass it on to her. We live in Galveston so TAMUG is local which is good and bad :slight_smile:

Any place you recommend for breakfast in CS tomorrow?

Have questions about condos. I am seeing a lot of condos for sale near A&M, is it very common a lot of parents buy condos to try to get the money back after kids graduate? Or is it something student should avoid?

What were her stats again? I’m so sorry for the waiting… :frowning:

Great stats!! And I’m surprised she was accepted at UT but not TAMU yet! Hang in there and hoping you hear something positive SOON! Looks like she has some really great offers!

Lack of AP’s shouldn’t exclude her. My daughter was homeschooled and then has attended a university model school for high school and no AP’s either. Maybe it has to do with application date or some other factor. Have you spoken with an advisor?

First watch (near campus) another broke egg (on Welborne rd) , stella (on hwy 6).

Oooh Jesse’s. It’s on 29th street. It’s amazing authentic Mexican breakfast. Yummy.

Very common for parents to buy condos. Most will then use a leasing company to rent them out. I highly suggest going through a company and not an individual.

Hi everyone - I complete my application for engineering honors on 2/23 and have not heard back yet, despite the fact that a lot of people got decisions around 4 or 5 days ago. Should I be worried yet or not?

Same with my daughter. This was our 2nd visit. She had contacted the English department and they let her attend a creative writing class via zoom. Everyone was super friendly. Went to coffee shop just off campus (like Sweet Eugenes? At TAMU) and went to a local book store.

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Hello guys. So if I understand correct, BLINN TEAM is basically that I do a couple years at the local community college and then get a guarantee transfer to TAMU ? But as if now, I’m not directly admitted to my major at TAMU, which is psych, just general studies at BLINN?

I would like your input on this. I’m OOS but intl applicant and TAMU is not my top choice. I also got my finaid notification today and despite needing some aid that I didnt have to pay back, they only gave me loan options, taking the college nearly out of the run for me entirely and making the debt I would incur too large . Is it frankly worth it for me? I’m waiting in the UCs and CSUs as I would qualify for in state tuition there, and TAMU was a bit of a last minute addition. If I reject my offer, would that open spots for others who really want this?

And at any point, if a spot opens up and I dont reject BLINN right now, is there a chance I could get full admit to psych at TAMU College Station? Or is BLINN only Blinn?

The option to reject or accept the offer has not come up yet but I have 6 tabs so I assume it will be soon