TAMU ETAM statistics

The profile in HOWDY for auto admits has changed to their major. (at least our son’s did) Per FB page “Aggie Moms and Dads of Engineering Students” the notification (I’m assuming the email) for auto admits will go out June 6 and for all others July 4.

@bigyear22 Auto Admits obviously get notified first and then afterwards they notify at the conclusion of the rounds. So if you get a major at the conclusion of the first round, i.e. your first choice, then you get emailed approximately a week later. The second round is usually 3-4 days after that and so on.

Just to let y’all know, I called the advisors again and they told me to check my transcripts as that it had been updated, so they just notified me over the phone that I have indeed been placed in CHEN so all is good and will receive a confirmation email soon, thank you all for the information and support.

@pbleigh My information came straight from the Director of Recruiting for the TAMU College of Engineering. He said the emails for auto admits for ETAM will go out June 6 and for everyone else July 4. He posted the information in the parent group I mentioned earlier.

@bigyear22 Ok, thanks for the information, that would be different then years past.

@pbleigh @bigyear22 Howdy, just throwing in the information that I have gotten from A&M on my etam process. This morning I got an email from them stating that I would get results on June 30th. Maybe July 4th was an old date and they pushed a new one?

The new physics is designed so that it can only be taken at tamu. There is no TCCN equivalency. I believe the new class began with class 2022.

@NoScreenNameBoii @pbleigh
Maybe so on the date change. The TAMU staff person on the parent thread on FB originally said auto admit ETAM notifications would go out June 3 and then he reposted saying they had to push it to June 6. Maybe non auto admits date going the other way- moving up from what they originally thought. He has not reposted on that date (that I’ve seen). So the generic “congrats you’re accepted” email did arrive yesterday, June 6, early in the morning. The more specific email with advisor assignment and department orientation instructions came late today, June 7 for our son who is MEEN (Mechanical Engineering) auto admit ETAM Class of 2022. The more detailed email today said they expect over 400 incoming Sophomores in MEEN this Fall 2019. She didn’t give a specific number- just said “over 400.” I’m assuming that will include both auto admits and holistic review admits. I don’t know about specific email w/ advisor info for any other majors as I only know what our son received for his major.

@bigyear22 That’s really interesting considering the Spring 18 ETAM numbers were approximately 391 for MEEN and the numbers have gone up, not down for Spring 19 ETAM even though they pushed some of the auto-admits to the Fall Semester ETAM. It will be very interesting when they release all the numbers. Hmm, after re-reading your post I am wondering if “over 400 incoming sophomores” refers to the total of both ETAM entries plus current students that are still U2. Any idea which it is after reading the exact wording?

Auto admits form ETAM went out 6/6. My son received a generic email for Aerospace. He has no idea what comes next. We are hoping for something because he officially has no classes. He was a TEAB student last year and his whole entire schedule will be different.

@maverik Different engineering departments handle the scheduling next step differently. Some will allow you to contact their department advisors to change your schedule and others will have you wait until open registration begins again at the end of the summer for you to change your schedule yourself. Does not hurt to contact the Aero Advisors himself and see if they will just take care of it for him on Monday.

It has been about a week since the auto admits have been placed. Has there been any announcements about the results? Has Mechanical been filled up with auto admits again this year? What about Computer Science? It would be interesting to know where the auto admits went, how many places are still available for the holistics, etc. It would also be interesting to know the total number that qualified as auto admits, and the total number to qualify for ETAM. (Including TAMU and all the feeder programs, such as the Engineering Academies). (sorry… I love statistics)

@NoScreenNameBoii @oldschool58 @cheryls00 @bluefordaggie @Tam1233 @kcavender13 @ToCollege2018 Have any of your students heard their ETAM decision as of yet?

@pbleigh et al, I have not heard anything regarding my son. I believe the email said June 30 when the results would be sent out. Not sure about the stats this year. Keeping our fingers crossed…

When we first started looking into A&M a couple of years ago, we were told that the overall first choice ETAM statistics were in the low 90% range (although I never saw that written anywhere), then the next year went down to 86%, and earlier this year in March, it was reported at 77%. Not a good trend. It’ll be interesting to see what the results are for this latest round.

@pbleigh I have only heard from one of my friends that they got into mechanical. They where an auto-admit. I am a McAllen engineering student and there is very few of us to start with, only about 16 (this is just going off the number of students that passed cal 2, it is probably lower because of physics 206) of the 28 that started in cal 1 qualified for etam, and I believe that we might have had a total of 3 auto-admits. When I get back to school this week I’ll ask some other students if they know who they are/their results.

I have yet to get results and have not heard of any other holistic review students getting results either, so I guess they really are holding out till the 30th. Shame I missed the auto-admit bracket, my GPA is a 3.464, guess this will be a nail biter till the very end!!!

Just a heads up for those of you waiting on ETAM decisions: non-auto admit decisions have been pushed back to July 4th per John Buchanan of the engineering department. Hang on just a little longer!

@chercheur I followed up with an advisor on the July 4th update and was told that that date should only apply to engineering academy students, do you have what he said in writing that you could post here or a link? Also, I was told that round 2 decisions will be or have been completed this week, exciting to news to hear.

@NoScreenNameBoii , Can you clarify what you meant by round 2 decisions? Is it round 2 of holistic? I thought the first round of holistic will be announced June 30. Thank you.

@ToCollege2018 No problem. Yes, it is round 2 of holistic review. My understanding is that the June 30th date is when all holistic review students will be getting results for etam, regardless of what round they were accepted into their program.