TAMU ETAM statistics


I can’t link to his message from this site. He said the engineering department pushed back notifications from June 30th to July 4th, and that they are on track to meet the July 4th deadline.

@NoScreenNameBoii @ToCollege2018 @pbleigh My son did not make auto admit (and neither did any of his close friends). He is in the Engineering Academy at Brenham. He received the email in early June notifying him that he had met the qualifications for ETAM and would be notified of the results on June 30. He hasn’t received any other notifications regarding a change in date. None of his firends have heard anything either. We’re all waiting, and I’ll post results when he receives them.

@NoScreenNameBoii, thank you for you reply. I am a bit confused about the rounds of holistic. I thought once students go through holistic review and are offered a major, my understanding is they have to accept the major given to them. They cannot decline. So what is the purpose of the multiple holistic review rounds?
If someone can reject the major offered to them and if TAMU offers that spot to someone next in line, then I can understand the multiple holistic rounds. So what happens during the multiple holistic rounds is my question.

@ToCollege2018 This year seems to be running a bit different but I can explain how ETAM worked in past semesters. When they apply to ETAM they choose at least 3 majors. The first round sends the names of the kids to their first choice major’s departments for review. If that department accepts the candidate during that first round then in the past an email was sent congratulating the student on getting their first choice major. If that department did not accept the student then the name is sent to the student’s second choice major in the second round of holistic review and the process continues like this until the choices have elapsed. At the end of all rounds students who have not had an email congratulating them on a particular major will then get an email usually with some choices of majors not on their list that would accept them or information on applying again during the next ETAM. This year seems to be running differently, because other then the auto-admit emails none have gone out as of yet.

@pbleigh Thank you for clarifying the holistic process. So this method of holistic rounds is a first come first serve type and not really a grade based rounds looks like. It is clear now. I am assuming then there are 5 rounds of holistic reviews since there are 5 major choices.


@cinnabonsforlife Awesome! I started a thread to post results, do you mind heading over there and posting?


I got Computer Science!

@cinnabonsforlife Congratulations! My son also got into Electrical Engineering.

@cinnabonsforlife @oldschool58 @noscreennameboii awesome news! Were all these decisions the first choice?

@pbleigh No, it was my son’s 2nd choice (but my 1st choice) His first choice was Aerospace.

Congrats if you received a decision today! Not everyone did, so to those still waiting, good luck and hang in there!

@pbleigh Yes that was my first choice

We are still waiting for an email or howdy portal update.

There are many others waiting as well, @ToCollege2018. I’ll post if I hear of any updates to notifications.

Saw this posted on the aggie reddit in response to questions about why some students had heard nothing as of yet, these students’ first choice was csce…
[–]TAMUCSCE 1 point 14 minutes ago

I think it means you are still not placed. There is another round still to happen early in the week where departments can make offers to unadmitted applicants. However, the offers usually come from majors that have capacity.

I would suggest contacting Computer Science advising at ugrad-advisor@cse.tamu.edu to see if there are any CSCE options.

@oldschool58 There is an option to do an AERO minor if he wants to

@pbleigh Yes, I’ve seen that. He says he might consider that or Physics.

@chercheur , thank you. My son’s first choice is not CSCE so the delay may not be the same reasons @pbleigh mentioned. But I am hoping they should let us know today June 30, whatever their reasons might be.

@ToCollege2018 In scanning the Aggie Reddit thread on ETAM I have not seen a single MEEN major listed as of yet so perhaps they haven’t sent out emails yet or maybe they filled again in auto admits.

@ToCollege2018 A representative from engineering previously said notifications would be July 4th (posted on another site). Maybe that’s their target date for notifying ALL students. He hasn’t posted anything new, so I guess it’s a waiting game now for some kids. Let us know when you get the notification!