TAMU - High School Senior coursework

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Yes you can still get credit for Physics C:
Note phys 206 is credit for engineering students with high enough test scores

Probably my bad, I just don’t see credit for Phys 206 itself, other Phys yes.

@phleigh, may I ask what 2 science classes he took for ETAM, and how did he find Calc 3 and Diff Q and did he take AP credit for AP CHem ? AP physics M ? AP physics E/M. Thank you so much. If D goes to TAMU she will have to keep a 3.5 GPA for scholarship. Thank you

@BingeWatcher In my son’s case he got a waiver for taking the two sciences for ETAM because he had AP credit for all of them. At the time he wanted to do Biomedical Engineering which required both chem 101 and chem 102 so he decided to take credit for chem 101 and retake chem 102 so he would be more than ready for organic chemistry.

My son found calc 3, Math 251, very straight forward and easy but it was, as is all the tamu math classes, a lot of work. Math 308, differential equations, he found challenging but did get an A. The math department posts a list of problems within the text book they recommend students complete in order to get an A, this is far more problems then what the teachers will require for homework. My son found it necessary to master all of those problems to get an A. Also, he said some teachers are much better to learn the material from then others; he would recommend Amy Austin for any math class she teaches and he highly recommended Lahodney for differential equations. Many kids recommend not taking their AP credit for Math 151, calc 1, but taking the AP credit for math 152, calc 2, so that they can take what is considered the two easiest math classes for ETAM; Math 151 and Math 251, while skipping the hardest Math 152 and Math 308 their freshman year. I asked my son if he could do it all over again if he would take an easier route to ETAM and he said no, that he likes being so far ahead.

One point on taking the AP credit for physics is that in my son’s case he ended up choosing Mechanical Engineering and accepted his credit for both physics 1 and 2 so that meant his sophomore year he was taking more difficult MEEN classes that built on both mechanics and E/M and it had been awhile since he had taken them in high school. In his case he got a mix of A’s and B’s in those MEEN classes because he had forgotten some things but still says he wouldn’t do it differently.

Does your daughter have AP credit for both chemistry and physics? The big advantage to taking the credit is that my son did not have very credit heavy semesters his freshman year, however, the math was more challenging.

(@pbleigh I am wondering whether your son took AP physics credit for Phys 218 and 208. I believe they may have fairly recently changed the first-year engineering requirements to Phys 206 and 207, which are, for good or bad, no longer on the AP transfer credit list.
Someone please correct me if they are getting AP credit for 206/207. )

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Yes that is what my son got credit for but the AP credit chart was updated for the new course numbers and I linked it in the above post and again below for you. Now you can get credit for physics 206/207.


Note the footnotes for AP physics C: *Engineering students receive credit for PHYS207,non Engineering students receive credit for PHYS207 and 217 and
Engineering students receive credit for PHYS206, non‐Engineering students receive credit for PHYS206 and 216

@BingeWatcher In case you need it this is the tamu math department web page. Just choose the math course and then navigate down to recommended homework problems to get the lists

I had downloaded AP.pdf sometime earlier on this phone and had to ask for a new and updated download of the same name file. That’ll teach me… OK, I stand corrected, folks, you can take AP credit for Phys 206 and/or 207, if desired. My son has been rather underimpressed by his Phys 206 prof. I guess I won’t mention that he could have bypassed this, theoretically speaking.

@pbleigh, thank you for your excellent reply. D is only in 10th grade. But she will grad with credit for AP chem, AP, Calc BC, AP Physics C M/EM. She is top 1% of her class as well has a 1590 SAT and is shooting for NMF WE will need either the Brown or Brockman to make TAMA affordable though. Pulling for your son.

@BingeWatcher Have you investigated TAMS for your daughter for junior and senior years? Are you in state? --Perhaps not.

I would look at a lot of universities for her.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg, she has no interest in TAMS. She is very strong in math but happy at her school and not ready to move away from home. Yes, we are in state in Lubbock.

@WTXMama I guess our school, like @pbleigh, requires 3 years of a foreign language for graduation. Glad your son has fulfilled his!

We have a neighbor who did Khan Academy for SAT prep-free, online-with remarkable results! She studied specifically questions she’d missed in a prior test. Has your son taken ACT also? I definitely encourage you to have him take both tests, at least 2x.

Yes, like you, I too long for the 80s, where college admission was a MUCH simpler task!! Sure am glad I’m not having to apply to college now!

Good luck and keep us posted!

@BingeWatcher Your daughter will do great at tamu if that is where she chooses to go. I would recommend she apply to engineering honors, it makes a huge school much smaller for the kids in it and they get priority preregistration for classes and research opportunities. Also since she is only in the 10th grade she might want to take advantage of some other AP courses that make things much easier at tamu. AP English Lit gets you out of both english classes required. AP US History gets you out of both of these core requirements. These are time consuming classes that my son was thankful he did not have to take making his freshman year very credit hour light, which worked out since he was taking the harder calculus classes. Which engineering degree is she looking at?

Thank you @pbleigh , she is leaning towards EE.

I think you meant to tag @WTXMama … nice name though!



IF D ends up at TAMU she will take her credit for AP Chem, Calc BC, AP Physic C both M/EM, APUSH, Lang, Lit, Gov, Psych, Spanish Clep score of 56. And not look back.

@BingeWatcher your daughter has taken all those courses already, in 9th & 10th grade?
I know you mentioned on another thread you’re interested in scholarships. Just know that at TAMU, the ‘big’ scholarships (at least true merit based) are wanting lots more than just grades & advanced classes taken. They want to see leadership, offices held, Membership in honor societies, lots & lots of community service/volunteer hours, work experience & more. The more well rounded, the better! Heard this straight from TAMU Business Honors Advisors and in writing from several scholarship acceptance letters. I’m sure this goes for most major universities, as well.
I tell everyone I know to ‘make your junior year count’!

@52AG82 , thanks for the advice, D is a rising hs jr. She does deep math proofs for fun( loves to challenge herself) but she is a true introvert. Will have NO leadership or offices held, will have some volunteer hours, but not plenty (say approx 100 hrs), yes to honor society, no job, ECs: are math comps and , Academic Decathlon (were her team won state and she had 2nd highest score in state). I really honestly don’t see her winning a competitive scholarship at all. She is academically very strong but the other part is quite weak. She will most likely make NMF and if accepted to University of Florida, since NMF gets a full ride at several Florida schools including UF, she will most likely end up there or Bama. We can not afford TAMU unless it is very close to full ride.

OH and no she has not taken all those courses. She will graduate with all them plus APCS. She is waiting on APUSH and APCS scores (this Friday) made a 5 on APHG last year. We have her junior year schedule and she is taking for APs:
AP Physics 1
AP Chem
AP Lang
AP Psych
AP Calc BC
Data structure (post APCS course
Senior year:
AP Phsyics C M/EM
AP Gov/Micro/macro
AP Lit
AP Euro
Computer architecture (post APCS course)
weighted class but not AP or dual credit: Differential Equations