TAMU Merit based Scholarships for Out of State Freshman

It is difficult whether you are in-state or out-of-state. Is your student a junior this year? If so, you have definitely come to the right place to get some realistic information. This is a great group of people with a wealth of information and experience. If your student is indeed a junior, you are at least going to be more prepared for everything than I was. I didn’t find this forum until January, and I was pretty blindsided by the difficulty to qualify for the nonresident waiver.

Yes there is a weath of great info here, it’s amazing. I can’t believe the HS didn’t tell us about it-I stumbled upon it myself. Yes he’s a Jr but didn’t realize alot of things-as you said -like trying to visit colleges when still in session and I can’t get any time off from wk-schools close in 1 mos :frowning:
Thanks again for all the input

Good luck to you guys

@jonsmom14 Thanks for the good wishes!

I totally get you. I’d never heard of this site until I was literally raking the internet trying to find out stats on how many out of state kids get waivers and things like that. Google brought me here, in January, AFTER my son applied. Senior year. I will never forget that weekend. I sat, spellbound, staring at the screen and realizing that I’d been watching my child work his tail off for the last 3 1/2 years and all the while, our schools were patting him/us on the back saying he can write his ticket, get in anywhere, and barely pay a thing. Haha! I found out very quickly that, although my child is very special, he is one of thousands of incredibly talented and hard working students, all with their focus on the same goal. My husband was out of town, and my eyes were literally hurting due to the amount of time I spent digging through all of these posts and trying to learn about things I couldn’t change, yet still wanted to know. Due to this amazing forum, I have become a champion for my friends who have younger high school students, and so many of the parents here are absolutely wonderful. The support, knowledge, and experience is priceless, and you are so blessed that you are finding the info now. Let us know how we can help. I have learned a good bit, but I still have a lot to learn. Ask whatever you need, and someone will find you an answer!

@Jonsmom14 welcome to the family of anxious parents! Lol!!! What state are y’all from? We are in Tennessee. My son got $4000 Corps of Cadets scholarship. I was astonished that they’d award that to OSS homeschooler! We were pretty clueless about the process and since I am the teacher, counselor, principal, custodian, cook, driver for the school, we were really unprepared. My son didn’t even take his ACT till April of his junior year. Hahaha. So you are doing great!!! We are here to help so ask any questions!

Hi… I’m an out of state (Louisiana) high school junior wanting to go to A&M. The new $4000 minimum scholarship threshold is a real bummer. Just found out about it a few weeks ago when I visited the campus. We won’t be able to afford the out of state rate.

Can anyone give me specifics on the Corps21 or Easterwood scholarships?.. what do these scholarship committees consider “competitive” and do they require student essays? I can’t find the specifics online.

Any help or info would be greatly appreciated! I’m just trying to get things lined-up now and ready for the application/scholarship process.

It’s extremely difficult for me to be interested in any other school. A&M is where I really want to be.

If it weren’t for the Yellow Fever, Shreveport would be in Texas!

Thank you for any advice or help!

We are from NJ. Welcome. I know nothing of the C cadets but will look into it !

@“SHV Aggie”

Hi! What are you planning to major in? If you’re interested in the Corps, make sure to go to Spend the Night (or Day) with the Corps and let them know you’re interested. Our son got the Corps 21 scholarship. There’s not a separate application; just the one you fill out when you apply for the school. There is an essay you write along with the application essays. Because A&M has gotten so competitive, I think good GPA and ACT/SAT scores are a given. I think a unique essay is what set you apart. Our son’s essay was so strange (lol) I wouldn’t have thought of it as a “college entrance essay” but it really reflected on who he is. I hope this helps a bit. Also be sure to apply early! We didn’t apply till the last day of submission. Lol. And A&M was the only school my son wanted to apply!!! It was not good for my heart to wait till the last minute.


Thank you for the nice response! I’m looking at one of the sciences… possibly Biology.

I’m definitely going to do the Spend the Night program with them. That’s really great that your son was awarded the Corps21 scholarship! Does your son know what Corps unit he’s going to sign up for?

I’m really hoping I can also get to the $4000 minimum threshold. My uncle went to A&M and was in the Corps. He’s amazed at how much the university has grown… and yes, he certainly agrees it has become very competitive.

I’ll be working on a unique essay that reflects who I am! Thank you again for the nice reply.

@“SHV Aggie” Welcome! You will get some great advice here, and definitely explore every opportunity to visit the school, show interest, and form new relationships! If you have strong stats, that makes all the difference. Being out of state is really tough, but at least you’re finding this out now so that you can plan for it and bring your best in your application. Let us know what we can do to help!

@“SHV Aggie” my son is looking at D-1. My husband was also in the Corps back in the stone ages. He went to Bryan high school and his parents live 5 minutes from A&M. He says back when he went to school it was $700/semester!!! Things sure have changed!

Bio is a great field! Not as competitive as engineering or business but a good solid major! I studied astrophysics so i may be partial to sciences. Lol. My son is going in as a history major. :frowning: he is considering getting a ph.d in history…

Being out of state is tougher than in-state, but I must say they’ve been more than fair. We are oss homeschooler so we thought we’d have a real tough time with a public school.

Best of luck to you and hope to meet you in the Corps one day!!!


Thank you!

Any updates??

@Zepodes We are still waiting to hear from Engineering. Last we heard is that offers were being approved Wednesday and would start going out between yesterday and next week. Have a great weekend, and keep checking the Portal today and early next week. Good luck!

@rvhappynow Thanks!! Fingers crossed!!

@rvhappynow Any news? Rooting for you from here in Arizona :slight_smile:

@rosegeo Thank you for checking in! Engineering scholarships for out of state freshmen have still not gone out, and although they said end of last week, I was told on Thursday that they should start going out Friday and into this week. You are so sweet to keep us in mind! We’re all rooting for each other, and I appreciate it more than you know!!!

@rvhappynow I’m guessing they will definitely let you know before May1 so you can make your decision…right?!

We have no choice but to make decisions before May 1st. That is the deadline for rejecting admission and getting a refund on the housing deposit, as well as decision day for accepting other scholarship offers. I suspect if we don’t hear anything by the end of this week, we’ll just move on to Plan B.

Seems to me A&M is losing out on a log of good kids who need to move on and make decisions. I’m sorry they are doing this to you guys…I’m still rooting you on!