TAMU vs US Petroleum Engineering

<p>Edit: US is supposed to be UH as in University of Houston. sorry about that!</p>

<p>Before anyone says it, I know UH is not ABET accredited but hopefully it will be by the time i graduate.</p>

<p>I'm basically picking betwen these two schools now for Petroleum Engineering. The obvious choice would be TAMU but the problem is that they want me to take out $18000 worth of loans each year. I am willing to take out loans but I'm just wondering if it is actually worth it. UH is covering full tuition so it will be significantly cheaper in the end. TAMU, when all said and done, will probably be $50000 more expensive than UH.</p>

<p>Is UH a good enough school to land me a job. I know TAMU has a huge network that can help me get internships in the field. I know Houston's location is advantageous but do big companies actually recruit from there?</p>

<p>Where do you guys think I should go?</p>

<p>Wow, full tuition at UH!
I’d say go for it (I actually had been committed to attend UH until I found out that I would receive more money if I were to go to A&M).</p>

<p>Wow!!! … that is a tough one. Unlike on another thread where he was choosing between A&M and SMU and money was not a real consideration I would have to pick UH on this one because of the full ride. That is a hell of a difference over the long haul. If Houston has a decent PE program I would have to say that is the way to go.</p>

<p>My company will not hire graduates from a non-ABET school. Just saying. You COULD work summers and get a co-op job eventually and not need to take out so much in loans.</p>

<p>Have you looked at Lamar university and/or Louisiana Tech?</p>

No I haven’t and I think it’s too late too since I have to make my decision in a few weeks. How hard is it to get abet accredited? The chemical engineering department at Houston is accredited but the petroleum program is pretty new so it won’t be able to get accredited for another year or so. I don’t mind paying for TAMU as long as its worth it. Is it $50000 worth t over UH?</p>

<p>I’m a petroleum engineering major at A&M. I got an internship this coming summer paying $5000/month. I should be able to make $17,000 this summer before taxes. I already worked for the same company during winter break and made $5000. Keep that in mind when looking at school. Besides, A&M requires at least one summer internship before you graduate so if your a half way decent student you should be able to make some kind of money while here. That’s while the industry is booming at least…</p>

<p>I would actually go with TAMU because of the ABET thing. It’s a gamble either way, so I’d prefer to wind up with the degree from TAMU.</p>

<p>My D faced a similar dilemma. She probably could have gotten a full ride from Lamar or Louisiana Tech for Mech E. But in the end, a degree from TAMU was more valuable to her. We figure whatever she has to take out in student loans will be worth it and fairly easily repaid.</p>

<p>I think TAMU is good because at the end you are sure to get a decent job sooner or later and then you can pay off your loans easily considering the fact that Petroleum Engineers earn higher salaries than any other engineering fields.</p>

<p>I thought about it some more and changed my mind form my earlier post. I would go to A&M if at all possible. For your major A&M would be hard to beat, not to mention the awesome environment and networking possibilities the rest of your life.</p>

<p>UofH would probably be fine - if the PE program was ABET accredited - But don’t underestimate the networking power simply of that Aggie ring… It will open a lot of doors for you!</p>