TCNJ second review e-mail

Thank you for applying to The College of New Jersey. All of your application materials have been received, and your application has gone through its initial review by our admissions committee. After evaluating your academic record, standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement, recommendations, and essay, we have moved your application forward for a second review.</p>

<p>The Office of Admissions generally receives approximately 10,000 applications each year, and it is not uncommon for us to conduct a second (or even third) review before making a final decision on a student's application. This is done in the best interest of the applicant, allowing us to solicit input from other members of our college community while carefully re-evaluating your credentials. This second review process is not the equivalent of a "waitling list"; please rest assured that you will receive your formal, final application decision by April 1st, if not sooner.</p>

<p>Intended Major- Accounting</p>


Math I-710

<p>GPA: 3.75</p>

<p>Extra curricular:
Varsity Soccer
Varsity Tennis
Freshman Basketball
Youth Group</p>

<p>Any thoughts on why i'm getting second review? Is this a bad thing?</p>

<p>Has any1 else who received this heard back from TCNJ?</p>


<p>yeah i got the same response from TCNJ and i’m freaking out now! i heard of getting second review in other colleges for other reasons as well though, such as for scholarships</p>

<p>could u post ur stats… and any1 else who got the 2nd review email</p>

<p>2nd review = deferral , not waitlist</p>

<p>so has any1 who received this email heard back yet with a decision?</p>

<p>I received this email and I was accepted a week or two afterwards, and my friend had the same situation. Don’t be discouraged!</p>

<p>I received the same email and have not heard anything from the college yet</p>

<p>Intended Major: Biology</p>


<p>GPA: 4.2 (weighted)
Class rank: 5 of 323 (mid year. my application says 7 of 325)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
Class Executive treasurer
JCL historian
Key Club
Leo Club president
Page editor for school newspaper
AV Club
Drama Club
Varsity Tennis
Basketball Scorekeeper
Science Careers Club
Model Congress
Concert Choir
National Honor Society
National Latin Honor Society
National Tech Honor Society
Achievement Letter
Achievement Pin
Student of the Month
Student youth leader at youth group
dance(15 years)
All South Jersey Honors Choir</p>


<p>The Star-Ledger had an article recently that quoted Lisa Angeloni as saying that TCNJ had filled all of its biology major spots with ED applicants. Also, the article states that ED applicants are up 30%.</p>

<p>Here’s the link if you’re interested:</p>

<p>[State</a> colleges’ appeal soars in tough times -](<a href=“]State”></p>

<p>thanks dobiesk84. if i dont get in oo well. it wasnt one of my top choices anyway. =)</p>

<p>My daughter received a second review letter and is getting nervous as time gets closer to April 1st. She applied to Nursing.</p>

<p>SAT: 1820/2400
ACT: 26
GPA: 3.85</p>

<p>National Honor Society
Sport every Season (Captain 2 times)
2 Clubs/year
Volunteer alot with Special Needs Children
Works PLUS Tutors, babysitting etc.</p>

<p>When she first applied (back in Oct.) it was not at the top of her list. Now that she has visited all the other schools, she has decided that TCNJ is her #1. She worked very hard and got straight A’s so far senior year (with 1 AP).</p>



<p>I just randomly logged into to to check admission status not expecting anything to be there… but got accepted YAY!! </p>

<p>still waiting for mail to come though.</p>

<p>any1 else still waiting keep ur heads up should come soon and hope u get in</p>

<p>^^^^Congratulations on your acceptance! Just curious, are you within commuting distance of TCNJ, and are you instate? I ask bc I wonder how much the need for housing might factor in.</p>

<p>thx :)</p>

<p>i live in NJ about hour and a half away. if i go to tcnj i will be living in campus</p>

<p>^^Okay, thanks.</p>