TCU 2011 Decisions

<p>Hey do any of you guys know when TCU will notify us of admission this year??</p>

<p>I received my acceptance packet today.</p>

<p>you should be getting a decision any day now. mine came several days ago</p>

<p>MyronB - when did you notice the electronic note about your acceptance? Last Monday, my son’s said he decision was mailed home. Then on Thursday, it said Congratulatons on your acceptance. But still NO PACKET!</p>

<p>Rice1961 - My daughter is on the same, exact schedule as you. First the notice of mailing, then the acceptance on the website, but no packet.</p>

<p>Just to let you know that you weren’t alone.</p>

<p>Thanks 4tran4!</p>

<p>Rice1961, I got my packet in the mail about 4 days after I saw the change on the site.</p>

<p>The site tells you it has reached a decision, then days later it will let you know on the site, then later you will receive packet.</p>

<p>Yep. Got her packet Tuesday! How about you Rice1961?</p>

<p>Got his packet today! YIPPEE!</p>

<p>I have enjoyed reading these posts…we are now sitting and waiting a decision just like you all did a year ago at this time. This is my first post on CC…thank you for the information. I check TCU EDU several times a day…hahahaha:)</p>

<p>Marilynn1961: It is such an exciting time! Good luck!</p>

<p>Rice, yes it is…hope to hear soon.</p>

<p>I am new to this site, my daughter applied at TCU (her first choice) and we are also awaiting a decision. I keep thinking what a great Christmas present an acceptance packet would make!! Good luck to those waiting.</p>

<p>The mail just came & nothing from TCU. Has anyone gotten anything yet??</p>

<p>Nothing for me either, but on the website it says, “An admission decision has been sent to your mailing address.” But in other news I was just accepted to Baylor today!</p>

<p>Where did it say that on the website?
Congrats on Baylor!</p>

<p>We are waiting too with the same message. We live in Houston and mail is usually just one day from FT. Worth. My oldest son is already at TCU, but I think we logged on and saw the congratulations…we never saw the decision had been mailed. If your status changes online would you please post? We are so anxious to see if Victor can join his brother at TCU!
Victor was accepted to Baylor too!</p>

<p>If I may ask, what day did your status change?</p>

<p>Ahhhh it says that my decision has been mailed. I’m honestly so scared I won’t get in! My big brother goes there and I really wanna go there also!!! I live in Houston does anyone know what day they will think I’ll get it?!</p>