TCU 2011 Decisions

<p>/ does anyone know what the envelope looks like if you are accepted? Is it giant or small? Because if I see a small envelope I’ll probably think I didn’t get in before I even open it and be depressed…</p>

<p>just got this message: “an admission decision has been sent to your mailing address.”
waiting on a response in NY. do you guys know when the acceptances will be posted on the my tcu ?</p>

<p>Where are you getting the message…your email or MY TCU EDU site?</p>

<p>I got my message on the MYTCU site. I received a booklet in the mail today on tuition, scholarships, and financial aid. Hoping this is a good sign since I dont see why they would send this if they don’t plan on accepting me. I hope to get a decision tomorrow or Friday! And I hear it comes in a purple fed ex packet, not sure though…</p>

<p>We got the booklet on scholarship too! I think the packets will arrive today…I think it is a big envelop. My oldest is there and It is a very nice acceptance package. We live in Houston…If they mailed on Monday they should arrive today!! Good Luck to all. TCU Rocks!</p>

<p>I do not remember what day. Most all of the other schools we applied will notify you online. This is driving me crazy.</p>

<p>When did you receive the message that a decision had been mailed?</p>

<p>Monday morning around 10</p>

<p>Around when do yall think we will get the actual letter?! Today? Tomorrow?</p>

<p>i just got a take a road trip visit TCU brochure, did anybody else receive this?</p>

<p>zmwendland, I received a booklet in the mail today on tuition, scholarships, and financial aid too. does this mean acceptance? do you know?</p>

<p>i didn’t receive that…i got a take a road trip brochure…</p>

<p>did you get a packet yet?</p>

<p>the packet on financial aid and scholarships? no…but i live in NY if that means anything…</p>

<p>I got that booklet and thought it was something else haha. I am stressing… I wanna know! Do you know when we will hear back? I applied for early decision…</p>

<p>i did early action…but i want to know why they have not posted the decisions online!</p>

<p>I know I have been checking constantly! I wish they would post something…</p>

<p>Has anybody who doesn’t live in TX heard yet?</p>

<p>I’m just guessing that the scholarship packet would have been sent with the packet, and that maybe it got here earlier because it is lighter? I live in GA so it may take longer for out of state students to receive the actual packet. When I got accepted to Alabama I received all of the information a couple of days apart, so I assume this is the case. But then again, I could be wrong, but that is just what I’m thinking. I don’t know why they would send a financial aid and scholarship packet if they had no intentions of accepting you…</p>

<p>I literally just sped home from school to find no envelope…wah</p>