TCU 2011 Decisions

<p>HAHA…I just sped home too. Nothing, well his Baylor Acceptance was there. It was pretty nice. maybe by tomorrow the congrats will be online? God I hope so. I think the delay is good news. We all got the scholarship brochure (must mean something) and a big envelop will take longer than letter. So think positive thoughts!!</p>

<p>I sped home too, but nothing today. I am from Wisconsin and I haven’t heard yet…maybe they send it out in sections… I hope so because I am nervous.</p>

<p>When my brother got his first letter from early action, he was deferred until TCU saw his first semester grades, and then he got in later…I hope that doesn’t happen to me!</p>

<p>I called the admissions office. She was so kind. She could not tell me specifically if my son was in, but she did say that packages were mailed on Monday…she also said the would update tonight and could say Congrats! She said 3 days after the “your decision has been mailed” it changes…</p>

<p>So we do not have to wait too much longer!! Good Luck!</p>

<p>Tonight?! Like midnight I’m assuming? This may sound stupid, but I’m tearing up just thinking about it because I have a bad feeling… Good luck to all!</p>

<p>Yeah good luck to everyone! so the early decision applicants letters were sent out monday?</p>

<p>Oh goodness…it is past midnight and still no update!! I’m so worried!</p>

<p>I GOT IN! IVE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED! good luck!!!</p>

<p>Good Morning!! It finally updated sometime after 4:30 am…and he was ACCEPTED!</p>

<p>Congrats to you! This is a very exciting time! We can all breathe now…</p>

<p>To address the big white elephant in the room: what does your page say of you don’t get accepted? My son’s page has the same message everyone else has “an admission decision has been sent…” but we all know that only a select few of the 16,000 applications TCU receives will be admitted. My fingers are crossed but I am worried my son will be terribly disappointed if he doesn’t get in. I told him I wouldn’t open any of his mail but I am stalking his TCU page daily (and he doesn’t know the sign-in so he can’t check it himself, horrible I know but I want to know before he does!)</p>

<p>I am in the same situation!! We have no update on the TCU page either…It’s driving me crazy…</p>

<p>The status on my page has not been changed from “processing”, but a new tab has popped up “reserve your spot now”. I was confused so I emailed my representative and called. They said that they mailed it or will mail it (fuzzy connection) so my status has changed so now I wait…</p>

<p>Mine changed to Accepted! Still no packet though…</p>

<p>my admissions representative emailed me back and she said I got in!</p>

<p>I got my packet! Does anyone know when scholarship information comes out?</p>

<p>Scholarship packages and Honors College invitations followed about 2 weeks after decisions last year. Let’s move this conversation to TCU 2012 Decisions just to keep everyone in one place.</p>

<p>people from way out of state, im guessing that the decissions wont come untill later. People from Texas are the ones that are getting letters right now.</p>

<p>still no letter, and still no change on the website… nervous</p>

<p>Daughter received acceptance package today! We are in CT!</p>