TCU Academic Reputation & Scholarships

<p>My s was also awarded the Chancellor’s schol. two years ago but turned it down because it didn’t pay for room and board. He ended up at KU with enough local, state and KU scholarships to pay for everything all 4 years. He made a 31 on his ACT (don’t remember his SAT score), and had a 4.0. He was a Congressional Page in Washington D.C. his junior year and foreign exchange in Germany his senior year which really were his two big EC’s. Plus he wrote some pretty good essays. </p>

<p>TCU is a fine school–I went there back in the 70’s. I always felt somewhat out of place though because I was not in a sorority. I don’t know if it is still the same, but Greek life was a big part of TCU. It may be something to consider when making a choice of schools.</p>

<p>TCU is a great school, although it is not regarded as highly as SMU and Baylor it is still a very good relatively small private school. There are a lot of students that come from other states and go there. You will enjoy it.</p>

<p>Hate to sound stupid but…what’s the definition of “EC”?</p>


<p>Hi O Tamandua! I was glad to hear that your son was accepted into his first choice school! Good for you guys. I wrote you a quick PM on Christmas Eve of all times. Don’t know if you saw it …</p>

<p>My son decided not to apply to TCU. He liked a lot of engineering programs at other schools better, but did like TCU a lot. I love this school and still check out this forum from time to time. :)</p>