
<p>I was recently accepted to TCU. TCU is my top choice and has been since the middle of my junior year, so I REALLY want to attend TCU this fall. However, with my brother attending a private college, the combined tuitions might be too expensive for my family to afford. We won't get any money from FAFSA because we do not qualify. Does TCU give out good scholarships? My GPA is a 3.49 (3.95 weighted) and I got a 24 on my ACT. I know these are not the best but it is what it is. Are there any scholarships from TCU, non-merit, that I can apply for (community service, art, leadership, etc.)? Also, do you think the cost of TCU is worth it? I think it is but maybe someone can give me some more points of interest to convince my mother. I am planning on majoring in Marketing. Thanks in advance for your time and helpful comments. </p>

<p>Caitlyn21 – the scholarships are awarded to those qualifying who have also submitted applications by the early deadline (think it was Dec sometime). I imagine all the merit ones have been awarded (D received one in Dec.). I recall there are a few others (private and departmental) but I imagine they have a need-based component. I am not as helpful on that side. On Why TCU? My son is a graduating senior and has enjoyed TCU (from CA). One of the benefits of a smaller private school is the class size. Neeley School of Business is a widely recognized undergrad program. Additionally, as a private school with a healthy endowment, TCU has some things that public and larger schools might not have – personal touch, more monitoring of campus issues, etc. That said, financial issues can’t be ignored. It’s expensive (tuition) and if you consider sorority involvement, that’s expensive too. If $$ isn’t a complete deal breaker at full cost, have your family compare reputation of business programs and things like class size and internships (which are plentiful for TCU students). My S is a Bio major but has lots of friends in the business school and they are doing well as they, now, hunt for jobs. Good luck. </p>