Academic Scholarships

<p>When does TCU send out info on academic scholarships? I recieved my acceptance "packet" last week and was wondering when I would find out about money offers. Please help me out.</p>

<p>WOW! You already heard from TCU? When did you apply?</p>

<p>I applied EA so I turned everything at the end of October and got a “yes” the day before Thanksgiving. Needless to say it was a good week.</p>

<p>That’s awesome. So is this your first choice are do you have others you are thinking about?</p>

<p>Well, recently TCU has been moving up and I think it’s for sure one of the top on my list. If I get enough money from the school then it will probably shoot up even more. That’s why I need to know when the scholarship offer will arrive.</p>

<p>I was told to expect scholarship information around 2 weeks after you receive your acceptance packet. I applied to TCU right before the Early Action deadline and am very anxious to hear about acceptance and merit scholarships soon.</p>

<p>Are you sure they’re going to tell you this 2 weeks after acceptance? I called today and they said merit scholarships are not offered until Feb/March. We’re waiting too.</p>

<p>The Web Site says Feb/March too.</p>

<p>I know that is what they say but they also said I wouldn’t find out about accpetance until Jan 1 and I got a letter over 3 weeks ago. I asked three of my friends who are current freshmen this year and two said they got academic scholarships towards the end of Dec and the other said she got it in Feb… So… Seems like I’ve gotten no clear answer from anyone. It is just a little stressful because money is a decision maker.</p>

<p>Son got his acceptance packet today! Has anyone heard about a scholarship yet?</p>

<p>Ya I got mine today and they were pretty good about what we were expecting.</p>

<p>Did you get it in the regular mail? Do you live in (or close to) TX? Hoping we get something soon.</p>

<p>Just curious to those who go acceptance packets… did they give you housing deposits? I want to live in honors housing, but won’t commit until scholarship notification in March, and don’t want to end up in a lounge.</p>

<p>I didn’t get a physical packet for scholarships but my finaid status on mytcu changed last night. I don’t live super close to TCU so I don’t know how they determine when they update status on the site. The actual acceptance packet didn’t have that much info on housing but they only ask for a $500 deposit no prefrences yet.</p>

<p>Okay sweet- I just would hate living 15 hours away from TCU and living in a lounge.</p>

<p>Has anyone actually received a scholarship offer in the mail? It’s not that I don’t believe the website but I’d like to see it in ink on paper!</p>

<p>had this discussion on another board, but i am betting that scholly letter will start hitting the mailbox today and this week.</p>

<p>one thing i’ve noticed is that most of the folks here are getting the dean’s scholly -$14K. same thing over on the smu board for letters they started getting this weekend and this week, except it is called provost at $13K.</p>

<p>my question, has anyone yet received the chancellor’s at tcu either on the website or in the mail? i’m betting those haven’t been given/notified yet - why?</p>

<p>We received the official scholarship letter today in the mail.</p>

<p>So exciting! We didn’t expect TCU scholarships until Feb/March. Will keep an eye out! As far as housing goes… I believe TCU guarantees campus housing for ALL freshmen, right?</p>

<p>I emailed my admissions counselor at TCU and he provided some good information. He says they have set a record for applications this year with already over 15000+, with more still to come until the deadline (February). He says scholarships are constantly reviewed, but those who receive the chancellors are “the best of the best.” There were about 70 offered last year. He said it is a possibility that someone may be upgraded from the deans scholarship to the chancellors, but it isn’t exactly likely.</p>