TCU Class of 2025 — Admissions Date: by April 1

Yes, but I look at is as though they have their act together and have hired a team to make this happen for their prospective students. We have been very impressed.

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Yes I agree. With competition so tight between these schools, it would be wise for TCU to take note. Between all the deferments and the big-time delays in getting official notices out- and overall lack of communication, I have seen a lot of negative comments about TCU on different social media platforms. Which as an alumnus is upsetting and as a parent of a student whose dream school is TCU, very discouraged. This group of seniors are missing out on so much this year and for my daughter this just feels like another loss. Yes in the grand scheme of things it won’t change her mind about the school, but it is just disheartening.


After visiting TCU and SMU last week, my daughter much preferred TCU, I am certain, due to the tour and info sessions we attended. My friend is an alum of SMU and was so irritated by my daughter’s report. It is funny how much influence a tour and presentation can have on the overall impression of the school by students. I have tried to explain this to my daughter, but it is what it is. I enjoyed both tours, but in the end, she chooses.

We visited both and my son loved the tour and the campus vibe at TCU over SMU as well. But as far as the marketing end to get a student to commit, I do think TCU probably could improve on that some. They have been helpful when you reach out to them, but not as much outreach on their part.

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D was accepted EA in December. Received the official Scholarship Letter but no formal acceptance (other than the letter in her portal). No fun sign, etc. I know it shouldn’t matter but in their world, it does. Still excited and hoping the banner arrives in the mail at some point.

My daughter emailed her admissions counselor and asked when she can expect the fun sign and official letter. His response was that he had heard from others that some students hadn’t received it yet and told her he would put in a request for a “new” packet to be sent to her. It just seems this isn’t a mail issue- but something that went wrong at the university level. I agree that to these kids it does matter. Hope your D is able to receive hers at some point as well.

My daughter was accepted to TCU months ago and still hasn’t received her acceptance packet! Lots of impressive mail from both SMU and Baylor.

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Has anyone heard when notifications about the Honors program will be posted?

January 31 for early notification for honors program.

I’m sorry to hear that. I assume it’s something related to COVID since I received mine at the normal time, not when I was first accepted but soon after.

Did they notify you about the financial aid package?

We got a letter in the mail yesterday with a scholarship offer.

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Yes, the merit scholarship was included with her initial acceptance. And the financial aid package (which wasn’t much at all) came later. Baylor gave her a LOT more - so our eyes are focused there now.

My daughter and I had the same experience after our visits to TCU and SMU. She LOVED the tour at TCU and got a great feel of the campus and student body. It was not the same at SMU. However, I do agree with other posts that SMU sends out more communication. She got a better scholarship at TCU as well. She has signed up for the virtual sessions so I hope those give her a better feel. Congrats to your daughter!


My daughter applied regular admission to all the colleges. Got admitted to SMU and Baylor. I am pretty sure that she will get accepted to TCU as well, but looking at the posts here it looks like TCU is running behind compared to other colleges. My daughter got merit aid too from Baylor and they are working on financial aid. Though she didn’t get any merit aid from SMU and hasn’t got any financial package yet. The only college we could tour was SMU. We did virtual tour for Baylor but it ‘s difficult to decide as all schools look great in virtual tours.

We were able to tour TCU last July - so double check on that. Also, Baylor is available for in-person tours - we’re scheduled for Feb. 15.

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Yes- the financial aid package showed up in her portal about 2 weeks ago. We pushed back on one part of it and the next day a new scholarship came in. So if you don’t like what you see then definitely ask them to reconsider.


How exactly did you push back and get more aid? I was given the lowest level of scholarship (Founder’s) and I would be much more inclined to go even if I was given the level up (TCU)—should I call the financial aid office and ask if they have the means to grant me more aid? (My scores and GPA are in between the two levels of aid.) Any info you can give would be helpful.
Side Note: I love TCU (it is in my top 3) but I was extremely disappointed with their aid.

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My daughter did not receive any merit aid and when the financial aid package came out did not receive anything at all in terms of scholarships and grants. She sent an email stating that TCU was her top school but that she really needed to see something in terms of scholarship or grant to make it accessible. Mentioned that other universities have offered her various amounts and could TCU reconsider. The next day she was awarded the “Purple and White” scholarship. It wasn’t much really but was a good showing of being receptive to her asking. It doesn’t hurt to ask- you are no worse off if they say no- but they could say yes!


Thanks for sharing this with us. Did you send them the financial aid letter from other schools as proof? Have you decided to go with TCU or other university? This is a difficult situation to decide right.