TCU Fall of 2015 Acceptance Letters

<p>To Reach Indiana, I would bet it would take until at least Thursday. </p>

<p>Is there any scholarship information coming with the packets?</p>

<p>Not that I’ve seen. I’ve heard it comes separately maybe weeks to a month later.</p>

<p>Accepted today!
Major: Business
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.94 UW/4.07 W
EC: band, NHS (president), lots of things for church, part of an independent orchestra
I’m from Grand Prairie, Texas </p>

<p>Wow! Congrats! Anyone get accepted today with more average stats? </p>

<p>@hcasey315 One of the sheets in the packet they give you says they will mail out scholarship info by March 1</p>

<p>Thank you! How long do you think it will take to get the packet to MD?</p>

<p>I live in Louisiana…do you think I’d hear by tomorrow?</p>

<p>I live in the DFW area…Mansfield to be exact and I have not received an acceptance letter… Do you think this is a sign that I was denied? </p>

<p>No! See what tomorrow brings. </p>

<p>How long do you guys think it will take to get to Arizona?</p>

<p>My portal just changed to sent </p>

<p>If my portal just says sent and not congratulations, does that mean I didn’t get in? I applied EA and my portal changed today </p>

<p>My sons portal has also changed to sent. I don’t think anyones portal says congratulations yet.</p>

<p>Mine changed to thank you for applying, your decision has been mailed
Is that what all of them say?</p>

<p>Yup that’s mine as well. Good luck to all of you! Hopefully we will get them today or tomorrow </p>

<p>My portal status changed this morning as well. I will be standing by the mailbox all day. I’m in Houston. </p>

<p>^^^ Same! We are in San Antonio. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>What if my portal hasn’t changed yet and still says “your application is currently under review”? Does that mean that mean that I am deferred?</p>

<p>For the people who were accepted did your portals change to “Thank you for applying, your decision letter has been mailed” or has it changed to congratulations?</p>