TCU ranks 6th in the nation in entrepreneurship in Bloomberg Businessweek 2

<p>The undergraduate Entrepreneurial Management program in the Neeley School of Business has been ranked No. 6 in the nation in Bloomberg Businessweek's 2013 ranking of the top undergraduate business programs, up from No. 9 last year. </p>

<p>Bloomberg Businessweek surveyed more than 85,000 students at 145 top business schools and asked them to rate their program’s performance in entrepreneurship, as part of Businessweek’s overall undergraduate business school ranking.</p>

<p>The top 10 undergraduate entrepreneurship programs for 2013 are:
1. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2. Babson
3. Baylor/Hankamer
4. Cornell/Dyson
5. Syracuse/Whitman
6. TCU/Neeley
7. USC/Marshall
8. Case Western/Weatherhead
9. Washington University/Olin
10. Arizona/Eller</p>