TCU's Neeley School of Business Rankings

<p>I had mentioned this in another post on the TCU board, but in case it was kind of buried, thought anyone considering TCU for business may be interested in Bloomberg's Businessweek Undergraduate Business School Rankings 2013:
Goes something like this:</p>

<li>TCU (Neeley)
followed by:</li>
<li>James Madison</li>
<li>SMU (Cox)</li>
<li>USC (Marshall)</li>
<li><p>Texas A&M (Mays) and</p></li>
<li><p>Santa Clara</p></li>
<li><p>Tulane (Freeman) - this one really surprises me, would have thought it would be north of 49.....</p></li>

<p>While rankings don't factor high on our priority list over here, it does seem that a business publication's rankings of business schools is something to pay attention to.</p>

<p>From all accounts, Neeley appears to be soaring high and fast. I understand that the school has the $ (endowment and otherwise) to fund it extremely well and plans to continue to prioritize it.</p>

<p>And… this just came out too:</p>

<p>The top 10 undergraduate entrepreneurship programs for 2013 ranked by Business Week are:

  1.  Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  2.  Babson
  3.  Baylor/Hankamer
  4.  Cornell/Dyson
  5.  Syracuse/Whitman
  6.  TCU/Neeley
  7.  USC/Marshall
  8.  Case Western/Weatherhead
  9.  Washington University/Olin
  10. Arizona/Eller</p>