(Tea) Consent Video

Many of you may have already seen this video, but I saw it for the first time, yesterday, at my son’s school orientation. This is the funniest, while still getting it’s point across video on the concept of “Consent” that I have every seen.


EDIT: Linking to the “clean” video.

Perfect. I’ve seen the drawn version of this, but not the animated one. Pretty clear!

Yep, saw it at my kid’s orientation as well. Had the entire room of 400 parents totally in stitches.

It’s funny, but most Title IX disputes don’t arise from people who are unconscious or people who’ve clearly said no. If only this were that simple.

If you watch it on youtube, the next video following it is an attack on it. It’s not a viewpoint I concur with, but it is also clever. Oops, didn’t come up next this time. Title is Tea, It’s a Bad Idea.

Can we add a version for affirmative consent colleges:

Can I make you a cup of tea?
Can I put water in the kettle?
Can I put the kettle on the stove?
Can I turn the stove on?
Can I put tea in the kettle?
Can I remove the tea from the kettle?
Can I pour you a sip of tea?
Can I pour you a second sip of tea?
How about a third sip of tea?
Can I add sugar to your tea?
Can I stir it with a spoon?
Are you sure you want this tea?
Are you absolutely sure you want this tea?
Do you still want this tea?

The HS showed this at the mandatory pre-prom meeting. S17 thought it made the point and since he and his cohort are the target group for the video, if he and his friends think it works and it makes them think, then I guess it does.

The video jonri mentioned is hilarious.
