<p>Ok, so I gave out my recs out a week ago--without signing the waiver portion. Well, what does it basically do? Does it allow me to read the recommendation? Would it affect my admissions in any possible way?</p>
<p>At the info session I went to, the woman said that they would view the rec differently if the waiver wweren't signed. Just ask your teachers if you can sign it. They probably haven't sent it out yet if you gave it to them a week ago.</p>
<p>Ask your teacher to sign it. It is important, otherwise the letter is not considered nearly as meaningful.</p>
<p>I actually called them and asked--they said it would not affect me in any way. But I have some doubts...hmmm</p>
<p>After giving my recs to my teachers, I wasn't 100% sure that I had signed everything, so I typed up a "blanket statement" that said I was waiving my rights to read everything (I used the wording from the rec forms) and then signed it and sent it in.</p>
<p>Avalon, did you ask your teacher to put it in the rec folder, or did you send it separately?</p>
<p>I sent it separately. (My teachers actually sent their recs before I had even sent in my app!)</p>