Teachers that look good.

<p>^What team does he like?</p>



<p>Spelling FAIL</p>

<p>The French teacher at my school. 24, cute, has an incredibly nice butt. He acts stereotypically gay right down to his love of musicals and fashion but he claims he has a girlfriend. Sometimes he can be a complete biotch sometimes.</p>

<p>You guys can always wait until you graduate to have an “after-school lesson” with them. After you turn 18 and you’ve graduated, it’s perfectly legal!</p>

<p>^^She’s Canadian you jerk :]</p>

<p>Oh yeah my bad. I didn’t read the username for some reason.</p>

<p>BTW, the age of consent is 16 in some states. Maryland for instance.</p>

<p>Wow. I read my post like a million times, trying to figure out what I spelled wrong.</p>

<p>Anyways, he likes Arsenal. I like them, they’re really good.</p>


Damn. They got nothing better to do over there?</p>

<p>The cute 26 year old teacher at my school is in love with Chelsea.</p>

<p>Ewww, I hate chelsea :P</p>

<p>Me: “So, Chelski fan, your team is gonna do a lot of buying of billion million pound players in the near future, I’m assuming”</p>

<p>Chelski fan: “**** off”</p>


<p>How can you like both Liverpool and Arsenal? Frankly I’d hate both.</p>

<p>LOL, arsenal are good. I’d rather arsenal win over man utd or freaking chelski. **** off, Chelsea fc, you ain’t got no history!</p>

<p>So, who’s your favourite team TCBH?</p>

<p>Barnet FC</p>

<p>But in just the Premiership I guess Spurs aren’t that bad.</p>

<p>I go to a new school (we will be the first graduating class this year).
For some reason we have had an influx of male teachers in their 20s.
I’m not complaining.
Most of them are nerdy cute.
One’s pretty hot. I think he’s 23. He went to ASU.
Dating a teacher is soooo off limits. But eye candy never hurts. :)</p>

<p>Lol yes .</p>



<p>Yeah… right… precisely why when a kid says that he did it, it means nothing.</p>

<p>hell yeah I would do her for extra credit lol. We are talking about blue eyes burnett hair and smart lol. BUT she has a kid!!</p>

<p>Yeah… ********… Every teacher-student affair is with a misguided teacher and a ■■■■■■ of a kid.</p>

<p>Arsenal and Liverpool fans seem to have less hate for each other than they do for Chelsea and Man Utd.</p>

<p>I don’t have any teachers that look good. We had this music teacher once who some people thought was kind of cute, but he was engaged to our dance teacher.</p>