Hey any Geology majors here to help me decide which teachers to avoid … spoke to a few people who said geol is a hard program
Have you checked RateMyProfessor.com? You can enter your college and check feedback given on professors in any department you want.
The geology program is small enough that only one professor teaches most of the non intro geology classes. You’re pretty much out of luck if you want to avoid certain professors for non elective classes.
@DxrthNguyen [Here’s the checksheet](http://checksheets.ou.edu/14checksheets/geology-2014.pdf)for the general geology track at OU. If you go to [Class Nav](https://classnav.ou.edu/#semester/201520/subject_code/GEOL), click on Spring 2016 for the semester and GEOL for subject, you’ll see that only one professor teaches classes that are notorious weed outs (ex: Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology).
My son is thinking about taking GEOL 1114,1104 or 1034 for his second science elective. It does not seem to be a good idea now. @whenhen -would you recommend a science class with lab that is not a weed out?
@sunnydayfun The 1000 level geology courses are not weed outs unless your son does not try. That’s not the case for some of the 2000 and 3000 level courses. 1114 will be harder than the others 1000 level geology classes, but that’s due to the fact that most students who take it intend to major in the earth sciences/ civil or petroleum engineering. To prepare them for their next classes, the professors have to make the classes harder or else students will be screwed when they take mineralogy, rock props, or any other class that builds on intro geology’s foundation.