Technical Error

<p>I'm trying to keep calm about this; I left a voicemail at the Questbridge number and sent a technical assistance email, but I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem.</p>

<p>I briefly glanced at my Teacher Recommendations section and noticed that my one teacher's name was lower-cased. Either I mistyped it or my teacher did when she submitted it, but instead of Jones it read jones.</p>

<p>I clicked "Edit" and capitalized it, not thinking anything of it. Then,when I clicked Save it took me back to My Locker where her recommendation is no listed as incomplete. I'm afraid that when I fixed her name, the computer assumed that it was a new teacher altogether and scrapped her already-submitted recommendation.</p>

<p>She is out of town until next week, so I cannot ask her to simply resubmit it, just to be safe. Has anyone esle had this problem? Should they still have her recommendation in their system and be able to find it once I let them know the problem?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>You said you called them… I called them maybe an hour and a half ago and got through on the toll free number, so I would try again. You are correct that it deleted her recommendation. I had a problem with that before. But honestly, I don’t know. All I can say is that I’m sorry this happened to you.</p>

<p>This same thing happened me too. I noticed that my teacher’s name was misspelled (I’m pretty sure she did it because I’m kinda ocd about things like that) and then after I fixed the error, the status was “not started” even though she already submitted it. I had to go ask her to resubmit the recommendation again. All the things she filled out was still saved in the system but she just had to resubmit it. </p>

<p>Sorry if I couldn’t really help you. I know exactly how feel, but keep on calling QuestBridge! Have you tried emailing your teacher or asking people who might know her phone number?</p>

<p>So theoretically, if I could reach her somehow to get her username/password, I could have another teacher log in and just click “submit”?</p>

<p>Yes, that is theoretically correct. All the teacher has to do is just go in and submit the recommendation again, everything is already there. I hope everything works out for you!</p>