Technical Problems with Submitting Honors College Application

<p>My daughter finally finished her essays for UHP and CBHP.</p>

<p>We’re trying to submit her application, but we keep getting this error message (in both Firefox and IE):</p>

<p>ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
Error ERR-1006 Error in validation routine. </p>

<p>We’ve tried uploading the resume file in both doc and pdf formats.</p>

<p>Any ideas? I guess I’ll call the Honors College in the morning and see if they know what’s going on.</p>

<p>Do call the Honors College in the morning…and also ask them if they know that the HC website has been down the last couple of days. Ask if they know when it will be back up.</p>

<p>Talked with someone in the Honors College who is going to find a technical person to report my issue to, and have someone get back with me later today.</p>

<p>They called me back. They said some others have reported the same problem.</p>

<p>For now, they just wanted me to email all the information to Jami, so they can enter the info manually through their admin functions.</p>

<p>I sent the email, and asked them to let me know once it’s been entered, so we can attempt to access the UFE application.</p>

<p>Did they say anything about why the Honors College website is down?</p>

<p>I remember last year that my son could NOT submit info if he was using a Mac. He always had to switch to a Dell/windows to get things to work correctly. Even now some videos (from UA) and even “Degreeworks” does not work correctly on the Mac.</p>

<p>We could not access the ABama Honors College website, either. Can someone tell us: Do you have to apply SEPARATELY to the Honors college?</p>

<p>Yes, the application for the honors college is separate from the application for admission to UA.</p>


<p>Yes…after a student is accepted…</p>

<p>Go to MyBama…</p>

<p>Go to Academics tab…</p>

<p>scroll down far left column…</p>

<p>look for Honors College Application link</p>

<p>Everything has its own app…school app…scholarship app…honors college app…</p>

<p>Even if you have the req’d stats, you must submit the apps.</p>

<p>First the Honors site was down for several days, now the link for honors under academics, and admissions on the mybama is not there.</p>

<p>If anyone hears anything let me know. I thought I was finally going to get D to do something before midnight of the deadline, and she can’t LOL!</p>

<p>no i think they’re still there…at least for me…</p>

<p>nicollec…has your D been accepted yet? I don’t think the honors links appear until after acceptance.</p>

<p>Yea! The honors college website is back up. Don’t know what was up with that.</p>

<p>This is all that shows on mybama clicking the academics tab…am I missing something?</p>

Undergraduate Admissions</p>

<p>•Application for Admission
•Check Admission Application Status
•Major List
•Academic Catalog
•Cost of Attendance
•International Admissions
•Become an Alabama VIP</p>

<p>Graduate Admissions</p>

<p>•Application Instructions
•Check Application Status
•Academic Catalog</p>

<p>Law School Admissions</p>

•Check Application Status</p>

<p>OOPS! I thought I had read on an earlier thread that you should apply to the honors college as soon as you received your mybama account.</p>

<p>So she has to be accepted before she can apply? Maybe I have my deadlines messed up, but I thought it was Dec 1st? Maybe that was only for the scholarship app?</p>

<p>^yeah she has to be accepted first</p>

<p>and, yes, the deadline for schol app is dec 1</p>

<p>Okay, it’s been a week since I reported the issues with the Honors College online application and emailed all the info to Jami. Unfortunately, I still get the same error message whenever we try to upload the information ourselves, and the information still hasn’t been uploaded for us. Which means we are still unable to do anything with the UFE application. </p>

<p>I’ve called down to the Honors College again. Unfortunately, Jami is out to lunch right now. But they left a message for her to ask her to call me back, and hopefully give me an estimate on when they can get this all cleared up for us.</p>

<p>I’m not sure Jami is the right person for this.</p>

<p>Call Wellon Bridgers and tell her about the uploading problem for UFE…</p>

<p>Wellon Bridgers 205/348-5522 or <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>BTW…Wellon is a young woman.</p>

<p>If you can’t get ahold of Wellon, then contact Dr. Jacqueline Morgan</p>

<p>They’ve referred me to Jami both times I’ve called. This last time, I asked if there was anyone in the office then that I could talk to about the technical issues. They just said they’d have to have Jami call me back to let me know if she’d received the information I emailed to her.</p>

<p>With this going on for over a week, and being told the first time that others had reported a similar problem, this should have been fixed by now. And if not fixed, a workaround solution PUBLISHED so people would know what to do.</p>

<p>It would be so easy to put something up on the application page that they were experiencing temporary technical difficulties, working hard to fix them, and here’s what to do until they get things fixed.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’ll call down and talk with Wellon and see if she can help get something done. Letting more people know of the issue definitely can’t hurt.</p>

<p>My problem has been fixed! Wellon was out of the office when I called, as was another person I asked for.</p>

<p>So, I just sent an email to Dr. Sharpe to let him know of the technical problem. Within 30 minutes, or something close to that, D’s information had been entered, and she had received her email notification that she’d been accepted to the Honors College.</p>

<p>Dr. Sharpe is passing the information on to the technical staff so they can make sure whatever’s causing that error message gets resolved quickly.</p>

<p>D is now very relieved that she’s officially part of the Honors College.</p>

<p>Now, if she’ll just get those UFE essays written. Hopefully they’ll be completed by the end of Thanksgiving weekend.</p>

<p>By the way, we just found out she made All State Orchestra. Which is sort of a surprise because the audition was the Saturday at the end of fall break. She had forgotten about the audition, and only practiced the music for about 30 minutes the day before the audition. </p>

<p>So now we’ll definitely be in Tuscaloosa Th-Sun the first two weekends of February, and hopefully some days at the end of February for CBHP/UFE interviews.</p>

<p>Congrats on your D making All State! What instrument does she play?</p>