<p>I’m just going to do the “I do well at pretty much everything but I don’t excel/enjoy one particular thing and I’m gonna live in the moment and use all my experiences to figure out what I want” spiel.</p>
I’m applying this year as well, so I don’t have any more insight than you, but I would imagine that if it’s your favorite book, and ESPECIALLY if it was your favorite book before you read it in school, it’s okay to write about for essay 1. </p>
<p>And, about your 3rd essay, I have similar thoughts. Do whatever you need to in order to make it good. I can’t imagine that any TASP reader is going to reject you over a well written, effective essay that is about a few small events as opposed to one big one.</p>
<p>Personally, after a few slow days of working on the essays:
- Not a clue. I used to be freaking out about this one, but now I’m not, I’ve decided something will come to me.
- It’s 674 words right now, so I can’t help but feel that there’s more I could be saying. I love my topic, though.
- Done, and on its second draft.
- I have a plan!
- I feel like I did an especially bad job explaining why I like each seminar.
- Done, but I’ll probably add more</p>
<p>Did anyone else have trouble articulating what exactly about each seminar was interesting?</p>
<p>Mine are all hefty… the ones I have done are 1400ish and the other two probably will be too… is this a bad things? D: I don’t think I fluffed anything…</p>
<p>bad thing*</p>
<p>Sounds like you guys are all doing pretty good with your essays! And epigram, I love how you posted your word counts up here. It makes me less scared to not write essays that are all around 1500 words. </p>
<p>As for me, I’ve finally gotten my second essay worked out! Those of you who have been with this thread for a while may remember my complaining about how I chose too broad of a topic. Well, I did have that problem. I also had the problem of not having my theme down while I was writing. Luckily, last night I sat myself down with a pen and a bare sheet of paper and got the theme straight with myself–along with a few other brainstorm ideas. So -big sigh- at least that’s covered. Now I’ll just have to see about my organization skills. </p>
<p>But after the second essay, I’ll be starting on my third. I’ve got many good ideas for it. The bummer? I don’t want it to sound too depressing or serious. Good luck everyone!</p>
<p>TASP backwards = PSAT. XDDD</p>
<p>Anyways, I have a little done on the fourth essay, and nothing anywhere else, thanks to a bunch of other stuff I’ve got going on (number one on that list would be procrastination). But, question: On Part I of the Application, are we restricted to 4 ECs in the given space, or can we fill in more?</p>
<p>For prompt 6, would a short summary of each work be appropriate, or is TASP only looking for a bare-bones list?</p>
<p>I think they’re just looking for a list</p>
<p>I second jordijay23’s comment, I’m pretty sure they just want a bare list to go off of.</p>
<p>And @Idnehzagup I think we’re restricted to that many. I could’ve filled out more too but I believe they just want a picture of our highest-priority commitments. Hahaha, I’m loving the insightful correlation you noted as well.</p>
<p>I don’t know what to write the second essay on:
- Using Google Books Ngram Viewer to track the rise and fall of social movements in the media
- Idealism and cynicism in indie music on utopia
- Islamophobia in America
- Why the Church as a sociopolitical force is obsolete
I’m more interested in the last two but I don’t want to offend anyone. especially the admissions committee. what do you think?</p>
<p>I think you should go for it. I’m writing about pornography as an empowering career choice for women, and part of what appeals to me about that topic is its riskiness… so I definitely think you should stick with your first choice despite it being a loaded topic.</p>
<p>Again, it is VERY unwise to be posting your topics on a public forum, especially given TA’s policy on social networking. One of the joys of the first day of TASP is to be genuinely surprised and interested when the conversation inevitably turns to essay topics.</p>
<p>All of your essay topics seem appropriate. Debating controversial topics is like the national TASP pastime.</p>
<p>I am seriously considering an attack on pro-life for my essay #2 so you should be OK.</p>
<p>From what I’ve seen, I’m thinking that the admissions officers would rather you talk about something more charged - like what you’re doing - instead of sterilizing it, since thate gives more insight into how you think.</p>
<p>Haha, on a side-note, everyone’s essay topics look so intense! Mine seem more tame, maybe I’m going to have to step mine up, ahhhhh! xP</p>
<p>Topics that might be considered too risky for college are often more than acceptable at TASP, assuming you argue them as coherently as you would any other topic. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you need go out of the way to write on something “intense and shocking”. If that’s not your thing, cool. My essays, particularly my second one, were on very “tame” and serious subjects, but I totally geeked about them. Write about something you can ramble a considerable amount about when questioned - that would be the interview.</p>
<p>Now all that’s left are the first two essays… the brain tearing ones haha.</p>
<p>Haha. I’m nearly done with my final draft of 3, and I almost have completed first drafts of 4 and 2. I haven’t touched 1 yet.</p>
<p>Quick question - do you know if TASP will have your PSAT on hand when reviewing your application? I had been wondering this while I’m filling out the application…</p>
<p>And how… eccentric does TASP want you to be on the essay on your own choice of topic? I was thinking about writing about something related to air travel, but I thought that might seem out of place… so instead I was thinking about discussing something in the realm of Anglo-Irish relations (one of the other areas of interest I love <3). I’ve just been thinking about this for days, and haven’t started essay #2 because of it :/</p>
<p>Why don’t you guys just all write passionate essays (of no more than 1500 words) about topics you find meaningful, important, and significant?</p>
<p>It’s really easier that way.</p>
<p>^ I agree with epigram. Your passion for your topic will color your essay; your passion is what will make the essay shocking and truly unique. Or maybe I’m only seriously hoping they’ll take that in for consideration because I am not too creative when it comes to those “out-there” topics. </p>
<p>Update: I have JUST finished the first draft of #2 and am setting it aside for a while. I’m starting on #3 now. (And I really really wish we could skip #1 altogether, but I’ll get around to that one sometime.)</p>