<p>My son is a serious tennis player and I wondered if any of the Prep Schools can be recommended as having good coaches, facilities and competitive programs? Also, is any consideration given during the admissions process to athletic ability?</p>
<p>My son also plays competitive tennis and we looked at this last summer. Even made a spreadsheet of schools he was interested and what their V and JV team records were. You should do the same research - but I’ll tell you what we thought were the top tennis schools –
McCallie in Chattanooga has won their third straight state title - and more before that. Great coaching staff.</p>
<p>Back to NE
Deerfield, Choate, and Hotchkiss all have consistently strong teams that win their division or place very well. </p>
<p>SPS, Lawrenceville, Taft, Loomis, Groton were also strong.</p>
<p>Losing records - Berkshire, Holderness, Hill</p>
<p>Remember that we looked at only specific schools that he was interested in…but based on their leagues I would say it is safe to say that Deerfield, Ch., Hotch are tops.</p>
<p>Good luck and please post anything you find - it will be a year or two before he goes to prep school - so we will be checking back in on CC and updating our tennis spreadsheet :)</p>
<p>Thank you for the feedback. My son emailed the coaches of the schools he is interested in (and has applied to) and received full responses to his detailed questions from all but one who was, to put it politely, abrupt. Aside from his academic aspirations one of his aims is to play college tennis and he would like to find somewhere where he can have an opportunity to progress from his current level (Junior ITF and nationally-ranked) to that which gives him a chance to realise one of his ambitions. Four of the schools you mentioned were ones he applied to - none in the ‘losing records’ list!</p>
<p>Hotchkiss won the New England Championships last year and are probably still the best team in New England. I am a very close friend of the Captain of the team so just PM me and I can get you in touch with him.</p>
<p>I’m surprised that St. Stephen’s in Austin wasn’t on your list. They actually run a Tennis Academy within the school - [Ancient</a> Browser](<a href=“http://www.sstx.org/experiment.php?page=tennisAcademyMission]Ancient”>http://www.sstx.org/experiment.php?page=tennisAcademyMission)</p>
<p>Winterfold- good luck! Post back here and let us know final destination.</p>
<p>Sbergman - thanks for the link… I imagine you have to try out for the academy separate from being accepted to the academic side - do you know? Like a conservatory school? I’ll show it to my son. Warm weather is always a plus!</p>
<p>Don’t forget about Enfield Tennis Academy in Boston. </p>
<p>(Anyone get that? RIP, DFW)</p>
<p>Just last month, Choate’s tennis coach was awarded the USTPA (United States Tennis Professionals Association – the largest association of tennis teaching professionals.) New England Coach of the year award. I know firsthand that he is extremely well liked by his players and other students. During spring break, players have option to train down in Tampa at Saddlebrook. More about the program is at [Boys</a>’ Tennis At Choate • Home Page](<a href=“http://www.choatetennis.org/]Boys”>http://www.choatetennis.org/).</p>
…and i think that it was tennis that got me into the school</p>
<p>I’m sad that this is a dead thread.<br>
<p>a couple years ago when i was applying to schools milton had the rep of being unbeatable…maybe their team isn’t as strong anymore but their program is still up there in the ISL as far as i know</p>
<p>over the summer a kid from milton came to my area (not new england) for a national tournament that I was also in. he was very good. i was quite impressed</p>
<p>is this all male or some female?? I play tennis but I’m a girl…</p>
<p>we are very politically embracing people on cc. lets include the ladies :)</p>
<p>then does stats change a lot or not much?</p>
<p>i read your 2009 old posts regarding your son’s search for prep school with good tennis program.</p>
<p>APpreciate if you could share your decision at the end and if you (son and parents) are happy with the selection.</p>
<p>We are in search of the similar school for my 8th grade son. </p>
<p>Thanks for sharing. (zhaoflora@**********)</p>
<p>All boarding schools experience a roller coaster effect with respect to sports. One will still have to play a Fall and Winter sport or participate in an event such as a school play. That’s not to say they can’t play tennis in the Fall or Winter on the courts if available (snow) or if time permits. The real tennis schools are in Florida. Meantime be forewarned, good tennis players are known to become excellent lacrosse goalies.</p>
<p>If you live in New England, choate, hotchkiss and recently, hopkins are all good choices. hotchkiss is an oldie, but recently hopkins boys have won new englands twice, beating out hotchkiss. their coach is also coach of the year. this school might not be a good choice though, because it’s a day school. choate and hotchkiss are the best for a boarder.</p>
<p>Abrupt could be a clue not to apply. Or abrupt could be an interpretation since “intent and tone” are not always readable on an email. Just as polite could be “nice but not interested” or “nice, but totally forced and phony.”</p>
<p>If you can - personal visits can sometime allow you to discern the difference.</p>
<p>john newcombe tennis academy in texas. thats where you should be if you’re super serious.</p>