Terrible GPA, Amazing ECs and Test Score (extenuating circumstances) [HS graduate in gap year, 3.1 GPA after repeating D/F grades, 1590 SAT, limited money]

They generally do but it carries little weight, what matters most would be courses taken and grades achieved + to a lesser extent evidence of oncampus involvement&leadership.

An example of a possible pathway for you would be TC3=>Cornell (Cornell CALS, in particular). You’d have to be among the top students in every class (not just the class you find interesting).

A more direct but way reachier path is applying EA to Wheaton - this would require excellent CLEP results in American history, biology, and chemistry.

Other direct possibility, EA, Wooster -less reachy than Wheaton

In all cases, make sure you deal with your health issues first.


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