Test Scores

<p>Does Columbia require a test report directly from Collegeboard and such for EVERY test we took? I have some scores I'd prefer not to report, but is it required to give them everything?</p>

<p>You MUST send every score from every test date for all SAT I and SAT II tests.</p>

<p>Ah… that’s unfortunate…</p>

<p>Do you know how much a bad SAT subject test can affect the application? I got a 610 on my SAT Math 2 =/.</p>

<p>Just stumbled upon this and thought I’d answer…there’s no way to determine how much a bad SAT subject test can affect your chances. There are so many different factors involved beyond that, ranging from having otherwise great test scores to having a hook to having a stellar essay. It’s a holistic process, something which I know I have to remind myself about all the time!</p>