"Testing TImers" -- Testing pacer watch

Has anyone used this watch? I usually have timing/pacing troubles so I need to get a testing watch. Should I buy this one?

This is the link to amazon for this watch: http://www.amazon.com/SAT-Pacing-Watch-Testing-Timers/dp/B00CHQSKH0

Not worth $43 IMO. Going out to a nice restaurant is a better use of $43.

There are generally clocks in the testing room and most of the time the proctor tells you start and end times and gives you a notice when 5 minutes are left, so I don’t think watched are an absolute must.

A quick glance at the clock will basically tell you how much time is left.

My students have mixed results with the watch. It has helped many students practice. A simple trick is to just set your watch to 12 o’clock at the beginning of every section.

My daughters both used this for the SAT (and got comfortable practicing with it at home.) They said it was extremely helpful.