Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

You get them right away and your portal updates in a day.

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He passed the math exam! That’s one less thing I need to stress about. :joy:


In case you all did not see on the other thread, it looks like they are reconsidering NSC being on campus. We should find out something this coming week!


Wow! Have you seen it mentioned anywhere else official from Tamu other than the New Aggie FB page? Can’t help but wonder if someone didn’t hack their account?

No, I haven’t. That would be a horrible disappointment! It looked official, but I am also VERY gullible!

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I was going through last year’s thread and noticed that housing opened on April 14. I saw someone mention (either on here or FB) that they saw that Phase 3 ends on May 4. (I can’t find the official information on when Phase 3 ends.). If the May 4 date for the last day of Phase 3 is correct, is it safe to assume that Phase 4 opens after that?
My concern is that the week of May 4 is when AP testing starts. I don’t want him missing his time to pick a room due to a test he can’t change. He probably has one of the earlies timestamps… one of the times having an OCD mother worked in his favor!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it’s officially virtual this summer. First of all they wouldn’t have emailed saying it’s virtual and then less than a week later change their mind. It’s too drastic of a commitment. They didn’t make the decision Last week easily or quickly.

So feel free to rebook since it doesn’t hurt anything, but don’t want y’all to get your hopes up.

If I’m wrong on this, it’ll frustrate me due to their wish washy selves, but I’d be super happy for the incoming students!!!

@AggieMomhelp do you follow New Aggie page? They’re the ones that posted this 5 hours ago-

@tmclanton 1st day dorm selection was May 8 in 2019. Our time was 4:00ish, so afternoon.
We have a friend who had a late May slot, smack in the middle of her graduation. The dad sat in the car in the parking lot, picked a room and scooted into grad ceremony late. Your son has an early time slot, so I ‘think’ they’re afternoon/after school slots. There will be conflicts, it just happens. If it does, student needs to give log in credentials to parent or someone else.

That is what I was thinking… It may fall on me! That is a lot of stress and responsibility. Especially since my son is the one that said, “I am staying in Hullabaloo… I have faith in you mom!” I will be happy when housing is over!!!

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Now that you say that, I do remember my student having to take a test after school-perhaps AP exam? A football game was scheduled, too, and most of it was missed by my QB (due to the test). We gave our log-in to the roomie & mom; they chose the room.
If your son doesn’t have a roomie, he should be able to snag a bed in Hullabaloo. If not that day, for sure y’all can watch daily and switch. Promise!

He found a roommate that he thinks will be great for him. They both love basketball, working out, majoring in business and both serious students who like to go to games and stuff. They both want Hullabaloo… I think he will probably stick with the roommate in a module if they can’t get Hullabaloo. No worry, apparently I can make it happen!


I don’t follow it. I’m going off of 2 advisors at Tamu. Said there’s no way they’ll do in person. That it’s impossible to do with social distancing and that they were told it’s virtual. I just can’t see Tamu making the decision… emailing every freshman and transfer student then changing their minds less than a week later and just posting it on Facebook. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Now could they, the advisors, not be in the know? Perhaps. And again I really hope I’m wrong because nsc is boring ish but it’s also pretty amazing.

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@AggieMomhelp either way, it’s a train wreck.
Unhappy parents (rightly so) when it turned virtual. Now unhappy parents because most have already canceled their hotel rooms, lost their rooms & good rates. Very poor communication all the way around.

I’m still dreading May for my student. Online summer & fall registration, dorm selection AND finals (the bulk being virtual) all taking place at the exact same time. Whose brilliant idea was that?? Can’t tell me the system won’t crash multiple times :crazy_face:

Could it be that the technology part in the message is the virtual meet with your advisor and do your course scheduling during your NSC date… and then the in person “normal NSC” part is the in person visit in July where they set up the goodie tables, you pick up your ID, get pictures in the stadium and with a giant Aggie ring?


@pbleigh that’s a thought. But still, so many canceled hotels, rearranged work & vacation schedules, re-booked hotels. It’s a mess!
Instead of doing Day 1 in Rudder, Reed could be used-assuming it is available-because some (not all) sessions are definitely needed.
A total communications nightmare‼️

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If that were the case, I don’t believe there would be a reason the the FB announcement. They had already told us that in the email. I think they may have gotten enough pushback about other events being held, but not NCS.

Even the news has no idea what’s happening

KXXV 4/2/21
“ As of now, the new student conference will be done virtually, but according to the Texas A&M New Aggie Facebook page, come next week, there will be some changes to the new student conference as they announced it will return to normal operations with enhanced technology.”

For what it is worth, the “enhanced technology” is similar wording to many schools in order to avoid the term virtual. Virtual creates anger and demands for fee reimbursements. Enhanced technology is a deceiving way to make it appear you’re getting exceptional value for your fees.

“I would like a refund for campus fees as I was virtual.”

“Oh sorry, we can’t give you a refund for enhanced technology!”


Hopefully, with it making the news, TAMU will address the confusion sooner rather than later. I noticed that the A&M FB page has also shared the New Aggie post.
I don’t see the purpose of them posting a “teaser” right before a long weekend. Why not wait to email/post the official decision next week???

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Wonder why the New Aggie fb didn’t quickly respond to the comments asking if NSC would now be in person? Do they make a post and walk away, not looking at the comments?