Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

My nephew got an email saying it was Going to be in person now. :woman_shrugging:t2: I asked my sister if she was sure and she said last week they got the one saying virtual then yesterday saying they were going back to in person because everyone was complaining. None of y’all mentioned an email… just the fb page.

The nsc date for my nephew is June 1&2.

Crossing fingers. At least an email makes is sound more plausible than a fb post.


We did not receive an email, just saw the post. I am glad new information is coming out. I just don’t see why they rushed out unclear communication instead of just waiting to have the full information once they decided to go back to in-person.
However, I won’t complain… I like the end result!

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Yes, my son received an email late March saying it would be virtual but hasn’t received anything since saying it would be in person. His date is June 17-18. That is really exciting though - no complaints here if they listened to people and changed their minds

My nephew is the first and only person I’ve heard of receiving a 2nd email (reversing it). I’m going to assume he knows how to read and interpret it lol. He is engineering so let’s hope so!!!

My son is an Engineering Major. It has a tab on the checklist for the foreign language placement. No one has talked about this. Does he need to take it? He took 2 years of Spanish and 3 years of computer science program in high school.

My understanding is that this test only applies if they are taking a foreign language in college. It is used to place them in the appropriate level class.

We are planning on buying my son his new computer when we are in CS for NSC. I have read somewhere (I can’t remember where), that we should wait to buy the computer during NSC. Does anyone know if the prices are better during NSC? If so, do you think it matters if our NSC has started? We are going down a couple of days early and I wanted to get the computer out of the way before the 12th Man gets too busy when everyone else arrives.

@tmclanton 12th Man Technology is where many buy their laptops. They know exactly what each major requires, free loaner if needed.
I think prices are usually the same, but in July, they normally have a special where they throw in a free printer, Beats or something like that.

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Looks like 12th man is a great choice if you want a Microsoft, Dell, or Mac. If you want an HP or Lenova, you will have to go elsewhere. We had a great experience buying an HP from Avinext (local store, just east of texas ave and university). Knew what we wanted, bought it over the phone, and shipped to our house in July. Super smart to get it taken care of sooner rather than later and maybe not being ready on time. Its like housing…so many choices, and none are bad.

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There is a screenshot going around social media, maybe a chatroom, of a student sending an email to Student Affairs with a response today. Family friend shared the screenshot with us but I’m going to type out a shortened version here:

Future Student: My family has cancelled flights and hotel for NSC. Should we look into rebooking or is it virtual?

Student Asst (Div of Student Affairs): Based on what we know right now, the NSC experience is going to have an in-person and remote option, this is all we know. We are awaiting further guidance from A&M later this week. Dates remain the same, regardless of delivery method.


I thought I posted earlier about Avinext. It really is a good place to get HPs. They also have the loaner program!

This is the same company that did the Zachary Engineering building technology for their classrooms. Super cool.

@mackag That is so awesome.

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“New Aggie” FB page has started replying to all the question on their post from Friday. Here is what they are replying to all the questions, “We are revising plans to welcome new students in person this summer. Stay tuned for more information later this week.”
Yay… sounds like it is happening. Still not sure why they are not emailing everyone to clear up the confusion.


My son had a virtual engineering session tonight and they told the kids that the decision was made to revert back to in person NSC’s and that they should be receiving an email if they hadn’t got one already. My son hadn’t. My son asked if there was going to be the pre-day and was told they didn’t know yet but to make accommodation plans for the full time just in case. He was also told to expect info on Fish Camp in May. Happy for my son but bitter that the hotel rates were so much more when I re-booked.


Thank-you! I wonder if the option to stay at White Creek or a dorm will be brought back?

This is on the NSC website today, “The New Student Conference (NSC) format is returning to an in-person experience with students maintaining their original NSC dates. A virtual option is available to those who request it. We will communicate further details by email and update our website the week of April 12.”


I applied for housing yesterday (late ik) and was put on the housing waitlist. It says I’m not guaranteed a spot on campus. What are the chances I will get a spot for on campus housing?

@bigboi123 in the past, beds have been open in White Creek. If you only want Main Campus, you may have to start in Overflow Housing (usually a study hall) and rooms usually open up a few weeks after school starts. Who knows this year, tho? You most likely won’t find out until June if you’ve gotten off Wait List, once everyone selects & makes their decisions.

I emailed housing last night to try to get a timeline for when Phase 4 will open. This was their response, “Timeslot notification emails for room selection (Phase IV) will be sent out hopefully within the next two to three weeks or so. These timeslots will not start until after we close Phase III, roommate selection, on May 4.”

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I got the official email about NSC. There will not be a “preconference” day this year for NSCs. Can’t wait to go back to Aggieland!


You can make your own preconference day. Lol lots to do.

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