Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

sending you a DM.

Has she checked out the Instagram Aggie Friends group?

Yes, we recently found out about it and she is checking into that as well.


@Aggies96n97 just being realistic, her only shot at Hullabaloo will be going in as a single, hoping there might be an open bed. Hullabaloo fills up by end of day 2, and Northside Modulars fill up next. If she can find a roomie with a higher time (like September), she’s got a shot at Modulars.
Are you on Aggie Parents FB page? I see ppl asking about roommates often.

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Yes, I put a post on the Facebook page which gave me the idea to post here. I was hoping that I didn’t outstep my bounds here, but everyone has always been so helpful so I thought it would be okay. Totally not a helicopter parent and my daughter has wanted to do this all herself, but wasn’t having much luck.


@Aggies96n97 absolutely try all avenues!
Have y’all posted on your own social media pages? Never know, friend of a friend may be looking also.

Hi! does anyone know if I’m still on housing waitlist, but my roommate isn’t, is she able to select me as her roommate in phase 3 and secure us a room together?

@isabelcruz if you’re on Wait List, you are not able to go thru Housing selection. You might double check with ResLife, but I would think it say something in your deposit paperwork.

Thanks! So even if she’s the one who puts me down as her a roommate it won’t work?

@isabelcruz someone who is on Wait List or Overflow won’t be able to select, even if someone lists them…they aren’t guaranteed a room. There would be a slight chance, IF you were pulled up off Wait List while Phase 3 is still open. But in order to pull you up, you would have to ‘match’ during Phase 3 (or whatever the term is).
I’ve seen people say their kids are on Wait List and Overflow, which means a lot of kids applied for Housing. Overflow students might not have a room until the first few weeks of school.


anyone know if its beneficial to switch to an earlier NSC date? (changing from in person June 21 to June 8-9 virtual) I’m a freshman engineering major, so having the opportunity to choose my professors would benefit me greatly. thanks!

From what I understand, they are constantly opening new sections of classes as they fill up. So, from what I understand, there would not be a huge benefit to changing to the earlier one. Personally, I think if you are able to attend in person, that would probably outway any perceived advantage of changing to an earlier time.


I’m a high school registrar. Often kids who go to those very early dates have problems getting high school - and especially Dual Credit transcripts from Community Collge to the large universities on these very early dates. I would stick with mid-June. My son will be there June 23.


@amongus I would definitely avoid the earliest NSC-way too many glitches to be expected.
Absolutely sections open at every NSC, to make it fair.


@isabelcruz you are a student, correct? Is your mom (or dad) on Aggie Parents FB page? There is some great, updated info about Housing-
Temp & Waitlist. Very beneficial.

Here’s the most accurate info about Temp & Waitlist Housing:

Here’s a summary of temporary vs waitlist details for on-campus housing…
To determine whether your student has permanent, temporary, or waitlist housing status, view your housing contract in the reslife portal. The housing status will be listed in between ‘corps’ and ‘special requests.’

• Has priority over waitlist status
• Will already have access to Phase III (roommate selection) in the housing portal
• CAN be ‘pulled up’ by another student to an earlier housing selection date via roommate selection in Phase 3; this can only be done once with the temporary housing status
• 100% guarantee that they will have a room/bed somewhere on campus – might temporarily be 3 students to a room and/or a non-traditional location like a study room
• Should find out their housing status by the end of May
• Will be responsible for the fees listed in the housing contract if they do not cancel their housing contract BEFORE May 1st
• Will be able to move rooms over the summer, once assigned, based on availability
• Not 100% sure - but temporary status probably began March 1 and ended when the waitlist began on 3/22
• Instead of participating in Phase 4, temporary housing status ( not waitlist) will be assigned a room and will be notified when their temporary housing status is moved up to permanent (the only exception is if they are ‘pulled up’ before Phase 4 by a student with ‘permanent’ housing status)

• Will NOT have access yet to Phase III (roommate selection); students who are already guaranteed housing will not be able to see ‘waitlist’ students in the roommate queue
• Can NOT be ‘pulled up’ higher on the list
• No guarantee of housing but is likely based on prior years
• There’s no way to determine your exact spot on the waitlist; the waitlist officially began on 3/22 as a point of reference
• Students on the waitlist will be notified 1 by 1 as spaces become available; ResLife will contact that student via email with the dorm location that’s available; you have the opportunity to accept or decline that offer
o If you decline what is offered, you are officially declining on-campus housing (essentially canceling your contract) and will be responsible for the cancellation fees listed in the housing contract
o If you accept what is offered, you will be able to move to other rooms in the housing system as they become available; you can also request a hall change once the semester begins – ALL of this is based upon availability
• You should find out your housing status by the end of July; if nothing is available at that point, ResLife will release you from your contract with no penalty
• You will be responsible for the fees listed in the housing contract if you do not cancel your housing contract BEFORE May 1st (unless ResLife releases you from your contract due to lack of availability as described above)


Yes I am a student. Thank you so so much for the info! A little bummed Bc looks like I won’t get to room with the girl I’ve been talking too, but hopefully I get any housing! I wonder if I’ll be able to room with her later on after I get a dorm?

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@isabelcruz you’re Waitlist? If so, you’ll be lucky to get a room anywhere, chances of getting to room with someone you know are slim. Full, 2 person rooms just never open up in the summer; 1 bed might, but rarely ever will a total empty room open up. White Creek might, but that would be about it.
It seems a LOT of students are wanting to live on campus this year. Good luck!

Housing time stamp just came out. My daughter got 5/6 @ 12:30 pm. Anyone else get theirs?

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We got the same! Wonder how many students are getting that time slot!

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@Kendrarhudson thats exciting! Have a plan, have back up technology and be ready to select quickly!
I’m sure there will be all kinds of chatter on Aggie Parents FB page, and you’ll figure out what the earliest time slot is.

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