Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

That is true. I ‘think’ AP credit can be applied for one of the two classes, but it requires a very high level math & score of 5. Or I could be dreaming this🤣
Every Mays kid my kid knows took 140 and 142.

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Yes, the Engineering one is different, including the scoring, than what the business majors take. The highest score you can get on the MPE2 is a 22 per category. They don’t tell you your total score.

You are out of your mind… I NEVER overthink anything! You must be talking about someone else. Thank you! I am checking it off his list… I mean he is checking it off his list! Have a great afternoon!

My daughter is in one of the larger 12x19 modulars. If they loft the beds and put the desks underneath, does anyone know how much room that would leave? They are hoping to have room for a small couch and maybe a 2 person table.

They will have room for a little sofa, tv stand, coffee table, but not sure if they’ll have enough room for 2 person table. And it would probably go to waste if they did. They’ll eat at their desk or on the sofa most likely!

That’s perfect. Thank you.

@DTxAggie just saw someone say their kid & roommate were able to get a room in Fowler this afternoon! You might want to post on Aggie Parents FB page, asking someone if they can check availability for you in the morning.

Thanks 52AG82, yes learned today from ResLife due to security reasons no floor plans - I love that response, made me smile. I had to explain I was just curious to see if my daughters room was near stairs, kitchen, or study hall. :slight_smile:

Thats an Engineering question :rofl: :joy:

Anyone have a sample of the Easy Math placement test?

Here is the one that the school puts out:

with answers:

Good luck to your Aggie! Mine took it last night and said it was easier than he expected. He was intially concerned that he would have difficulty without a calculator, but that did not seem to be a problem.

On Saturday night, my son’s band had their end-of-the-year banquet. At the end of the night, they announce each of the seniors, tell about their plans for after high school, and give them their gift. As they announced each of the students, there was polite applause for everyone. However, when they got to the 2 kids going to TAMU, there were about 10 people that would yell Whoop at the same time. It highlighted what a tight-knit family Aggies are. I kind of felt sorry for all of the other kids that will not experience the awesomeness it is to be an Aggie! Gig’em!

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This is the easy one? O my, I would fail and I’m in finance

Just remember, they learned this stuff more recently than us. I use to be excellent at those kind of problems, now I just look at it and think there is no way I can do!

Awesome, thanks!

@tmclanton @AggieMomhelp So if one does well on their MPE, can they still take math 140? DS hopes to take math 140 but then use AP credit (Calc AB - 3 or better) to get credit for math 142. Is this a common thing for non-engineers (agriculture) to do? Thanks


Yea they can and have to take 140 or equivalent. Honestly none of the students I help
Have used AP credit for math. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it or doable!! Let us know how it goes and thank you for the link. Super helpful!

None of the balconies had any completely open rooms today, but we actually managed to snag a completely open double in McFadden. I’m not on FB, I assume the 430-440 rooms in McFadden are on the shorter side (not sure if it matters, but it’s an even numbered room)?

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Even the smaller side rooms are huge for a dorm!

Oh yeah, we were thrilled to be able to get it. Now just comes figuring out what to bring and where to put it. :slight_smile:

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