Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

Great snag! ICYMI, Res life said they are giving dorm tours through the summer. The northside tour included a modular room two years ago. Perhaps something to do on the preday of NSC?

@DTxAggie interesting they could get McFadden, as that’s primarily University Honors dorm. They must’ve just released the remaining rooms not being used by UH.
Either Lechner or McFadden is the modular used on Northside ResLife tour, so the suggestion to take the tour again is a good one.

Yeah we were surprised, there was a batch of rooms available. They must have just released them since they all had 2 spots available in each room. Definitely lucked out on the timing. The tour is a good idea, we’ll check it out and maybe see about doing it before NSC.

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Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. Once they fill up the spots reserved for LLCs and Honors kids, they release the extra rooms, usually on the 3rd or 4th floors since there aren’t elevators in the modulars.

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I’ve seen a lot of chatter about the MPE on this forum. My daughter is liberal arts and hasn’t seen any info. Does it apply to liberal arts? And if so, where does she sign up?

@EagleMomma pretty sure every incoming freshman takes MPE. Have your daughter go thru every TAMU email, click every tab on Howdy portal; there should be some kind of ‘to do’ list/instructions for things that must be done before NSC.

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@EagleMomma have you joined A&M Class of 2025 Parent FB page?
Uploading meningitis form, taking MPE, selecting Meal Plan, registering for Parking (if taking a car), sending AP scores and a couple other things probably need to be done prior to NSC. There is definitely a list or email somewhere mentioning these things.
NSC will answer a LOT of questions, help you figure out things. And make sure your daughter is checking TAMU email daily-all communication goes to her.

Thank you! Found the to-do list (with a link) on the applicant portal! “AIS”

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Thank you! Just joined the FB parent page. Meningitis/Meal Plan/Parking done.

Great! I knew it was somewhere. Be sure your daughter is taking ownership of all this, it needs to be her responsibility. Gentle nudges are fine, but she really needs to figure it out (but definitely need to do Meningitis, MPE, dorm selection and parking request prior to NSC). If she wants a Sports Pass, go ahead and have her add that to her virtual cart (they will sell out).
NSC will fill in all the holes, explain things so much better! It is information overload, but in a good way.
And it’s hard turning over the reigns, letting your kid be in the drivers seat…but I promise it’s the best thing to do.

FYI, my nephew is at NSC for transfer students. Freshman ones start today.

When we were looking at schedule options for the Fall (he’s acutally starting next week), we noticed under registration worksheet on Howdy (Registration page), the advisor had already completed it for him. If you like that schedule, then on registration day, you’ll click on submit when it’s your time. Otherwise, you can play with it at least the night before to check on profs, see if other sections are open with better times, etc.

Let me know if this doesn’t make sense after you look at it. We aren’t sure when the courses were put on his registration worksheet since he had never looked at that page.

Yep, there is a msg in my sons howdy encouraging him fill out his schedule worksheet so that he can just hit enter during registration and hopefully get everything he wants. With transfer students, the advisors can see the classes transferring in, so can definitely make a schedule for the transfer students ahead of time. With the freshman, highschool transcripts and dual credit is not know by the advisors so the freshman are the best at deciding what to take.

Looks like tamu is trying to minimize the hunger games drama of registration by encouraging everyone to do thier homework. This also makes it easier on the advisors during registration - not so many questions to answer with some students completely unprepared

It will be interesting to see how many get the schedule they prepared ahead of time. Looking forward to hearing how it goes with your nephew

My son was given a list, as a freshman, on classes to take. He didn’t have to, of course, but they did provide 4-5 class options with Sections filled out as well. So I still think they will have classes given to them in general. I guess we’ll see how they handle it. They are definitely tryin to minimize contact with advisors.

I love the worksheet though… definitely a time saver even once you’re a full fledged student for future semesters. Gone are the days of catalogs and calling in and waiting on hold. lol

I was planning on kind of sitting back and trusting the Mays advisors to help him pick classes. However, it sounds like he needs to be prepared before he meets with them. (Honestly, I would have jumped in with about 10 possible schedules before his NSC… that is just how I roll.)

So, a couple of questions:

  1. he did well enough on his MPE to be placed in Math 142. Since he has to take both, is there a reason to take 142 first or is it better to take 140 first? (for the life of me, I still do not understand what doing well on the MPE does for business majors!)

  2. He will probably take credit for his AP Bio and Physics classes. He also took the envirnmental science AP class, but that does not seem to be accepted for a science class. I know that a lot of people recommend the Physics for Presidents or the Poultry Science class. Can he take the Physics for Presidents or does the fact that he will probably take his AP credit for Physics make that not a possibility?

  3. He will probably end up accepting about 30 hours of AP at some point. He is planning on going the slow and easy route (about 12 hours per semester when possible, but still graduate in 4 years.) Since he already has English, 2 sciences, 2 histories… which 4 classes do you think would be best for him to take. He wants a pretty easy semester so he can get a 4.0 and try to Business Honors again.

  4. Does anyone know about the Finc 210 class? He is not sure what area of business he wants, but Finance is one that he is interested in. Do you know if that is a good class that would help him decide if he wants financa?

  5. Should we do the worksheet now or wait until right before his NSC to see what classes are still available/opened up at that point/ His NSC is Mid June.

“1. he did well enough on his MPE to be placed in Math 142. Since he has to take both, is there a reason to take 142 first or is it better to take 140 first? (for the life of me, I still do not understand what doing well on the MPE does for business majors!)”

We are in the same boat on this…My understanding is that the MPE for non-engineers mainly determines if the student needs to start in a Math lower than 140. So even if someone does well on the MPE they can still satisfy thier two math reqmts by taking 140 (pre-calc) and 142 (business calc) If one choses to start in 142, I don’t think they can go back and take 140, they need to take something harder, IMO.


  1. determine if any AP credit is good for CD/ICD requirements. for example, AP Human Geography satisfies social sciences and ICD. As far as core curriculum requirements, DS’s goal is to only take classes that count so he spent time knowing what he will have and what is left to take by looking at his degree plan.

for 5.—I think it is good for him to practice making a schedule (even though the choices may be different in a few weeks) to see all the details to consider when picking a class. For example, pay attention to class location - no reason to be going back and forth from main and west campus if he can get all his classes in west campus. Can also get familiar with “rate my prof” although many classes prof will be listed as TBD (to be determined)

Math 142 is more calc based and 140 more algebra finite math. So just a preference on what he’s done recently. Doesn’t truly matter.

Physics for future presidents is a great easy class with lots of busy work. Pretty sure the 2 physics are completely different and AP won’t negate that one. Another great science is kine223. It’s health science with a sport attached. Pretty fun and gets them active.

Hold that AP credit til absolutely necessary to accept. Can’t take it back. Other courses to add… give me a few minutes and I’ll review.

Part 2 of my reply:
He still has Econs to take and Pols, right? Psychology is also a great class for business students. There’s also communications class he has to take. Creative Arts, Language/philosophy course etc. Really look at the the Degree plan online. Here’s the link but I’m sure you have it…


HE MUST take Math 140 or 168… there are no options. Math 142 or equivalent and 140/168 are required. If scored well enough on mpe he can start with 142 the drop back to 140 after.

I think Finc 210 would be a great class for him to take to see where his interest lies. That’s great.

And as @eggscapgoats said, start now. Play around. Remember to also look at registrar site for gpa grade distributions by subject/professor.

Psyc/Busn 101 (they all take this)/Math 140 or 142/Finc 210/Comm 203 (That’s my suggestion. That’s 5 courses but only 13 credits. Totally manageable.

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Since classes are going to be opening up for each NSC, how are you narrowing it down to actual classes (instead of your student having their list for their first semester being CHEM xxx, MATH xxx, ENGL xxx, etc.)?

My daughter looked at the schedule yesterday, but decided to hold off on noting specific class sections since she doesn’t know if those are the classes that are going to be available to her during her NSC in July.

Of course they could change, but there won’t be a lot of new course opening up each time. Too early to tell what students will want/need. Spots could fill up in a class and more added at another NSC for the same class section. OR new sections could open up.

But yes, July is far off. Still fun to play and research profs, timing, location of courses being offered, etc.

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Thank you! He does have Psychology through AP. I think we will stick to your suggestions and either do a science or econ the first semester in Psychology’s place. Not sure if he passed the gov. AP yet.

Thank you all!!! I have 1 more day of school and then I can help walk him through the process a couple of times and then set him loose!

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