Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

@tmclanton Mays advisors are great and they will encourage only 12-13 hours. Every Mays student we know took Econ fall of freshman year (it’s online, always).
My student took HNR Poultry Science, General Animal Science and Physics for Future Presidents-all enjoyable and pretty easy.
Don’t know anyone who took FINC 210.

As far as I can tell, there is no way to build a Registration Worksheet with classes from Blinn, right?

Correct. Blinn registration will be completely different. Are you Team? If so, on the degree planner (assuming y’all have access to it), you can list what you’re taking at Blinn and note that it’s a transfer course. That way it shows up on degree evaluation but has the notation that it’s a transfer credit.

Definitely agree about the econ. They only teach it online so that everyone has the same prof and are getting a solid background. My son loved the material and even though it’s busy work heavy, it’s a solid A class if you put in the work.

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Mine is doing engineering team through Blinn, so registration for the Blinn classes should occur at the same time as the A&M classes during NSC (or at least that’s what I’ve read).

My D21 doesn’t have a prepared schedule yet in her Howdy. NSC 6/17, could it be too early for her advisor to have it pre done?

It just won’t be through the Tamu site. Only Tamu classes will be listed to register. You’ll go to blinn site to register for those.

Yes. I’m sure it’s too early. Will be interesting to see how soon they do this per session.

If your daughter is a freshman and not a transfer, she is responsible for preparing a schedule, but will receive additional guidance at NSC on what to take. She can figure out what to take by looking at her degree plan and knowing what dual credit and AP she may have.

@AggieMomhelp 's nephew is a transfer student so perhaps that is why an advisor put classes into his schedule.

Just spoke with my advisor friend. She’s in psyc. She said it depends on department. Some preregistration some don’t. Recommends to come prepared an idea of schedule and knowledge of the howdy registration portal. Search, add, delete, submit etc.

Sorry for the confusion. As we go through this summer, would be great to hear how the departments handled it so we have an idea for next time (cause they’ll keep it the same Lolol).

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Anyone’s son/daughter take the Math placement test? My D21 planning to do it on the 7th. I showed her the practice test and she got a bit nervous. She needs to take the easier of the the two.

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What is her major? Does she have to take the proctored one? My son took the MPE2 (business major) and did well. He was a little concerned after taking the practice and not being able to use a calculator, but did much better than he thought he would.

Her major is Education which means she will probably be in MATH 140. Which is the easier MP test (MPE1 or MPE2)?

Why is she taking it on a certain date? Since hers is not proctored, she should be able to take it whenever she wants. I suggest having her take it about a month prior to NSC if possible. This allows her to take it 3 times (the max) with 2 weeks in between each test. If she takes it once, it will give her a good idea what she may need to work on. If she does well enough to get placed in 140, then the stress is over.


RE breakout sessions for NSC…the descriptions include “in it to win it” about IT services, but its not listed under sessions to register for. Are we missing it? DS’s NSC is mid June so he was able to schedule his NSC sessions/track a few days ago. Thank-you

@Eggscapgoats My son’s NSC was this past week and IT services did have a breakout session but also had a table set up at the “Resource Tables” session if you were interested in hearing about their services. Basically they sell particular models of laptops from major retailers and have services available to fix/service them should you have issues going forward. My son didn’t attend that session so I do not know exactly what they presented.


Thank-you! Hope it went well. The IT breakout session is described as…

Confused about your A&M online accounts? Wondering what tech to pack? Curious about campus IT services? The Division of IT provides technology and services to help students get the most out of their time in Aggieland. Join our session for a run down on important IT accounts and services you’ll use at A&M. Session Bonus - Help Desk Central will be onsite to answer any tech questions you have!

We will keep checking and at least visit the table

D21 and I built a schedule worksheet - if you haven’t I recommend you try it, very confusing at first until you get the hang of it. One of her classes (ENGL 103) didn’t have any time slots to choose from. My thoughts are her advisor will pick that one for her.

Question - when she goes to NSC does she show her advisor the schedule she created?

@TamuDad15 Yes, creating a Schedule Worksheet is very helpful to do in advance but they have allotted time before course scheduling on day 2 for the students to make one. My son had one in advance completed and had to completely change it during his session. They add seats in required classes within minutes of your ticket time (2:30pm on day 2) and if that is not the section you intended to take it requires you to completely remake your schedule to accommodate the sections they have added seats to. At least for my son who had an engineering advisor and was in a group with all honors students, the advisor did not create any of the schedule for the kids but was available for questions. I have to say this whole process took about 5 minutes for my older son to complete several years ago but took hours for my younger son last week because they only opened 3 sections of honors engineering with 15 seats each. They basically created hunger games for the honor’s students because they all had to create similar schedules because of what was open to select. In my son’s case he had a mandatory course that was only offered at one time and it conflicted with two of the 3 open sections so he was not able to get the honor’s engineering course on his schedule and they just told him they would try to get him into one as sections opened up. Very frustrating process!

Hey, everyone! We’re locals, so if you have any questions about College Station while you’re in town for your NSC, hit me up! Bryan/College Station is wonderfully quiet during the summer before the thousands (and thousands!) of Aggies swarm to campus in the Fall.

My son had his NSC last week (he’s Engineering honors). I’m glad we got it done, but it probably wasn’t the best idea to schedule it the same week as his high school graduation. :scream: I need a vacation!

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