Texas A&M Psych

Would Texas A&M be a good school to pursue my BA in psychology at? My options are Texas Tech, A&M, and tarleton. I would also do the honors programs at each institution. Just looking for some thoughts and opinions.

TAMU has a great Psych department. The advisors are top notch and unlike most at TAMU, they are in it with you. Liberal Arts college is also great here as well. So, yes, a BA in psych from TAMU is definitely stronger than Tarleton, but I don’t know how it compares to TTU.

I’m looking to go to graduate school, so I’m just trying to get the best preparation. I think Texas A&M would be a good fit too.

I’ve heard good things about TTUs program though.

@justgpa Of the three schools, A&M is the highest ranked university, overall, but it depends on what you want in a university. I currently have three in college in Texas, at three universities. Youngest at A&M. (Parent here-helping incoming freshmen and transfers - and their parents navigate the process).
Each of my three wanted something different in their schools. Middle considered Tarleton for its size and feel but opted for a slightly larger D1 Big 12 out of state freshman year. Now she is at UT Arlington, which is large, and though her major was competitive to get into and one of the best in the state, it is not a competitive school overall - The hotels don’t double for special events, Parking passes don’t sell out, and class registration is not the headache that A&M can be-for all majors, etc.

So, what I am taking a long time to say is, either school would be good for your major. The fit of the school is what you need to consider. Each of those schools have a different vibe, you need to know which one fits you best.

I went to graduate school at TTU straight out of undergrad at SFA. Loved both school but they were extremely different. I really thought Tech was a great college experience. If it has the program you want - I would seriously consider it. My BFFs oldest daughter opted for TTU over UT Austin - because Tech offered her scholarships so she won’t have debt coming out of college. And she loves it.

My Aggie is finishing her first semester as a Psych major. Be advised that there is a sequential (3 courses) course requirement that must be completed in order to advance to many/most psych classes. My Aggie went in with AP credit for the first class, Psych 107, and thought she would be able to start in on the second class in the sequence but found that she needed a math pre-req before she could enroll in the second class. She also went into A&M with 23ish AP credits and has had a difficult time finding classes to take that she is “qualified” for; meaning she is the right rank (many upper division classes require jr/sr statu and she is now considered a sophomore), because with most of her core requirements are out of the way from AP credit and still needing to complete the sequential course requirements before the majority of classes open up to her, there really are very limited choices when it comes to course selection. On the plus side she is well on her way to an anthropology/sociology minor or double major! It is a great big puzzle that takes some serious consideration to make all the pieces fall in line. That said, she is happy with TAMU this far.

I have heard many complaints about the TAMU Honors program, that it really doesn’t amount to much benefit and many end up dropping it after the first year.