Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I do see that McAllen offers construction science (brand new as of 2 years ago, I think), but is that similar to the engineering academy? Or would it be basically the same as a PSA offer? Not even sure why I am asking about McAllen since it is about 8 hours from home, and DS is not too keen on going that far away.

I understand it the same way!


FAQs are in the above link.


Definitely not a psa offer. I believe only if you indicate McAllen as your preferred campus will you be offered this at McAllen.

Because it is new and no one is 100% sure, you may want to call admissions tomorrow and confirm.

If you call, please let us know what you find out.

Thank you.

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For the past two admission cycles, the students take the MPE (proctored) at home, well before NSC. This started in spring 2020 because of Covid. Even NSC was online then. Thankfully in 2021, NSC was in person or optionally virtual, but the MPE was still taken online and not at NSC. In a few months, the freshman engineers will get to pick a time to take the online MPE test. Hope this helps. I cant recall if the other majors have to take a proctored MPE or not, but they also take their MPE before NSC.


If we were all neighbors wouldn’t it be fun to do one of those Super Bowl Pool type square charts to place predictions on the upcoming TAMU decisions for the applicants who are still “In Review”? The top columns could feature different days/weeks decisions might come out and the left rows could feature the types of admission (full admission, Blinn TEAM, Gateway, PSA). :joy: Who else is wondering with me and hoping MAYBE this weekend we might get some action?


My goodness gracious, I’m hopeful!

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LOL! Yeah, and Vegas has the over/under on the next round of decisions at Friday January 21. With Covid variants and general slowness this year, I’m taking the Over.


Thank you, @Eggscapgoats.

Other majors are not proctored or at least haven’t been. Curious to see if they bring back the in person MPE for engineering students.

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Any stats on how many pass the MPE to be eligible to take Calculus I in first semester?

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For the test, it will be 34 to 40 questions. 22 correct questions are generally required to pass the test. There was discussion before winter break to restore MPE in person due to dropping performance in M151/M171/M147/M142. MPE is a 90 minute test more about Algebra II with a little Pre-Calculus.

There is no official data for how many passing MPE, but you can get an estimate from total engineering and science total enrollment (from accountability data), to the GDR. Note that it is only estimate, there could be students barely passing the exam and decided to take M150 after advising to protect their GPA and took M151 in spring instead. There were about 350 high achieving students skipping M151 with AP/IB.

For Fall 2021 semester 1874 students took M151. So percentage was still low as compared to total enrollment. Adding the M171/147/142 data you can get a rough estimate.

Percentage of students taking M151 in Fall dropped slightly the last two pandemic years. M151 generally had 42% to 45% students got A in the past few years which was considered below average. This is an indication that freshmen year for engineering and science is not as easy as many think.


Great info! Just checked other engineering classes CHEM107 not so great either. More B and C than A. ETAM is not as easy if 3.75 is needed.

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Great info. Probably a much higher percentage at CSTAT take 151 or use AP than Blinn, Galveston or McAllen. A relative in the Galveston program barely missed the cut on the MPE 2x and took pre-calc which wasn’t easy but is signed up for 151 this spring.

Good that low 40s percentages are getting As in 151. Is 151 one of the hardest courses or is it ENGR 102 or a physics/chem class?

I think it really depends on a students HS background. Based on my junior aero, taking
AP calc AB made math 151 mostly review and fairly easy; taking 2 years of HS chemistry made Chem 107 mostly review but the lab writeups were more extensive; taking 4 years of programming gave him a leg up in eng102 but the tests were still challenging since long and limited time. Physics 206/207 was also review due to 3 years HS physics


ENGR 102 is generally the toughest, with only 39% get A. It is only 2 credit hours, and not really critical in certain engineering area. One thing though, this class in some other colleges is a Junior class.
CHEM107 supposedly the easiest, with close to 46% getting A, however, a whopping 109 students Qdrop the class.
If looking at College Station Engineering alone, Fall 2021 has 468 with 4.0 GPA, 281 above 3.75. Total freshmen class of 2894, a good first quartile get guaranteed first choice in ETAM so far. These first quartile students are a lot stronger and likely taking most of the “hot” engineering fields like CS, AE, BME and ME. But still with only 25.4% having 3.75 GPA or above, this year’s ETAM should not worry about the 3.75 barrier, more likely 3.5. It is likely the pandemic affecting the learning and performance.


Definitely agree! It also showed getting in TAMU is just the beginning. But current HS senior may want to think twice if they had major guarantee in other colleges like UTD, UNT, OU, UA… Going through ETAM is a testament of how good they are preparing themselves in high school.


Regarding using AP credit for math151, rumor has it that math 152 is the hard one and kinda not related to anything else, so it is recommended to take math 151 but then use AP credit for math 152. This is what I have heard so just putting it out there for you to consider


Yes, my daughter knows of some auto admits that she met over the summer at Camp Arch. I think we are the only two construction science majors on this site so far. Good luck to your son (and to you!).

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Very true for ETAM purpose, however, not taking M152 will not be helpful for differential equations class in Sophomore year. Also, for those require holistic review, not taking M152 may not favor their chance.


ENGINEERING…ENGINEERING…ENGINEERING…so many would-be Aggie engineers!

Back in the Ol’ Army days when I was at A&M, it seemed like every other person I would meet in the fall semester was an “Engineering” major. I would see many of those same people in the spring or the next school year, and they had changed their major to sociology or economics. :smiley:

I understand the desire to dream big, and I am certainly thankful we have so many brilliant students who are willing to be our STEM leaders for the future. The reality, however, is that many students who are so fixated on being admitted into “Engineering” will soon realize that making a good grade in high school Calculus or high school Physics does not necessarily equate to success in Texas A&M’s Engineering Department(s).

Additionally, there will be many students who have the intellectual ability and aptitude to handle the rigor of Engineering, but they will find out that they really do not like the subject matter and cannot see themselves in this career the rest of their lives; so they, too, will move on to something else.

Remember, “To thine own self be true”. Saying to your parents or to all the folks back home that you’re going to study Engineering at A&M sounds great; but many, many students come to the sobering conclusion that they like the idea of being an engineer much more than they like the reality of being one.

Best of luck and GIG 'EM!!!

Class of '90