Texas A&M University Class of 2026

I agree, it’s a tough thing when your student is ranked 10 out of 32 in a graduating class in a school that doesn’t rank.

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Right. My son’s grades are mostly A’s and some B’s, in a school which doesn’t rank. And he did test optional this year – so I suspect it’s hard for A&M to easily figure him out.

This is the same with the high school I went to. There was only 80 kids in each class at most, and those 10 kids always went to Ivy leagues or crazy competitive California schools (USC or Berkley for example). I’m a junior at TAMU now, and had to do the PSA route since I wasn’t accepted off the bat. Honestly the admissions process really sucks, but the school is worth sticking it out for. Although going to a competitive school makes it very hard to get in, it does help tremendously with succeeding once you get where you want to be. TAMU is a breeze compared to my high school, and I’m sure it’ll be the same way for your son.


Thanks @TMImomof2 for the encouragement. I know he would succeed at A&M without a problem. I suppose that is part of the frustration. Crossing my fingers he gets Blinn TEAM, or maybe even admitted outright. We will see in the next couple months.

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@TMImomof2 agree…my current Aggie was so well prepared for A&M, from her large 6A, on academic steroids, competitive high school. The kids from the smaller, not near as rigorous schools definitely have a much harder time.


Yes!!! This!! Thank you.

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Reading rumors on Reddit that TAMU will release a bunch of gateway and Blinn team admits, take with a grain of salt!


Does it say when? Thinking about Blinn- how does that work? Does a student need a car if they are Blinn Team? Can they walk to both campuses?

@Khare Blinn campus is in Bryan, definitely not walkable. But, there’s a TAMU bus that goes to Blinn.

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There are 2 Blinn campuses (one is called Rellis and is new). Blinn Bryan is much older. Both campuses utilize the tamu bus system, so students can still live on TAMU campus if they want.

Also for those looking for glimmers… Here’s how it will look when you get the 6 tabs (that have been discussed ad nauseum so please search before asking tab names)…

Under Manage application it will say “TEAM” if it’s team… or the term will be Summer if you get Gateway. If neither of these show up and you have the tabs, then you got full admit.


Still holding out hope for an acceptance to TAMU. I’m not sure my daughter would take Blinn Team over her full admission to Baylor. We are hopeful not to leave her with a car the first year, and a bus to another town seems like a lot.

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Well we knew this, but did they say when? That’s the million dollar question.


Thank you so much!

Does anyone know when waves happened last year in January? Someone on reddit said they heard a rumor that all the TAMU admissions employees would be back 2 more weeks starting today before they send out another round of offers. That seems crazy to me considering my son got into many other universities back in October /November, with scholarship offers - who are all waiting on an answer. I don’t know if this is normal or not for A&M since this is our first time.

Admission office just had one day off yesterday. They are working now.
You can call them anytime, or send AIS question.
General Engineering still have full admission space.
The rumor was just easy guess based on last few years schedule.


@misterhemmings taken straight from TAMU Admissions page. January-late March is the timeline for holistic review.
A&M is a HUGE university, with easily 45k+ applicants. It’s a very competitive school.
The waiting is still hard, but this is the normal timeline, for kids that apply who aren’t automatic admission.

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And TAMU just open the transfer application earlier this month for Fall/Summer 2022. Transfer is another 5000-6000 applications to process which is more tedious than Freshmen.


Thank you for details!

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Indeed, and luckily they don’t have to comb through them and make a decision, but they do have to process them and send to the relative departments for decisions.

@misterhemmings And last year the Gateway/Team went out on the 17th I believe. The week school started for spring semester.


Thanks for the date of last year @ChristiR93 . That means it should be about that time, if they are on schedule again. You mention about how they have to process them and send them to relative departments for decisions. I’m confused. Over the last year I’ve heard ‘Admissions doesn’t decide, the department decides to accept if they have space and get your application in early before your major fills up!’ and I’ve heard ‘The department doesn’t decide to admit, that decision is solely admissions. First you’re admitted to the University and then the department admits you or you end up in general studies.’ So- who does admit a student? The department, or Admissions? And is there any truth to the idea of getting your application in early? (My son, GPA 3.75 turned his in right in August on day one, like all our relatives told him to… and he’s heard not a peep)

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