Texas A&M University Class of 2026

That’s is what I have seen/read too about TAMU nursing. So she would most likely end up with a BS and then have to go another year somewhere else. It’s a bit disappointing, and I wish TAMU had better options. DD is actually excited about the Dallas part. Ha. She meant some really nice students on campus, very welcoming. We are in Houston, and she wasn’t thrilled when she saw Waco. But I told her, she will be too busy to worry about the city.

Key now is to see what scholarships she gets from Baylor 2/1. Fingers crossed. And honestly, can’t seem to go wrong in the medical field with Baylor. Her ultimate goal is to become Nurse Practitioner in Pediatric Cardi and either work at TCH or BCH.

As much as we’d love another Aggie in the family, I think Baylor is better for her career path.


@1stCollegeRodeo i do know Baylor offers a lot of $$. Still not anywhere near A&M tuition, but it helps. In 2019, if a student made a certain ACT score, they gave an automatic tuition reduction (I guess it could be called a scholarship?) We had friends that would take it on site at Baylor, just to try and make an additional 1-2 points. Not sure if they still offer that? It doesn’t hurt to ask and poke around, because Baylor definitely gives out $$…where A&M doesn’t.


Same with us. Baylor is pricey. Need to see what money she gets. I still have her twin sisters to put through school in 4 years. Sigh…


@Courtney_Livingston the nursing careers our friends have, from Baylor, are outstanding! Our neighbor started in Cardiac ICU at one of the big heart hospitals in Dallas, as her first job.
There’s a lot more going on in Waco vs College Station (I think!).
A&M Nursing is a great program…IF you can get in. That’s the problem. We know friends with 4.0, pharmacy tech certified, CNA, EMT certified, high HESI score that didn’t get in…after 3 attempts. Such a small program, for the number of applicants.

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My heart is hurting for my son. He didn’t get the options like many got earlier in the week and I wonder if that tells us we have no chance as a Freshman to get in to CSTAT. I feel like we are just waiting for the we’re sorry email. No changes whatsoever on his AIS and manage application. All the buttons are still there and his 1st choice (Biology) still shows on top. Im holding on to @ChristiR93 words that is ain’t over til it’s over.

We do have a solid back up plan and have already reserved housing at his back up. Then will try for a Transfer next year. The stress of waiting for the final answer is putting me through the wringer.

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Really hoping those that have zero movement get a gateway offer next week. I feel that’s when it’ll come.

As for engineering… you will get the campus guy select but select quickly.

I would totally do Teab Over Galveston just based on location. But I do like the Galveston campus feel too.


@COLLEGE-2026 , I am right there with you. Every morning I tell my son to stay positive. He has already been accepted to other colleges but his heart is at TAMU. He loved the Professor he met during our visit last summer. There is no movement on application but most of his friends have been given some option and he tells me some of them have lower stats than his :frowning: It is hard for kids these days.


If the McAllen option comes up as well, which option would you recommend going for?

Have you called Admission and asked specifically if Biology is full? It is hard to believe Biology is full this early as it is the largest major in College of Science.

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McAllen is pretty new to the scene. Very small and far away from most peeps. Check that location.

My child would have picked Teab. Most do and the. Galveston.

Got it, thank you so much!

Do they welcome parents calling? This is the only reason I haven’t called.

Anyone can call. Just make sure you don’t ask something that triggers generic answers (e.g. don’t ask “when will one get decision…”) They are usually willing to tell you if a major is full.

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As for engineering… you will get the campus guy select but select quickly.
@ChristiR93 would you mind elaborating on this? My son has not seen any movement at all on AIS. Computer Science and submitted Aug 5.

@FriscoDad @COLLEGE-2026 , that is correct. When I called on earlier this week and asked if Math Department was full , the rep that answered the phone said no, they still have spots which made me a little hopeful. BTW, we just learned that UTD just got the designation—Center for Actuarial Excellence. So the backup plan is to go to UTD is not looking so bad.

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My niece was going to be a nurse at A&M and now she’s decided not to pursue her dream, just so she can stay at A&M. Which I think is kinda sad - but yes I agree about the nursing program there. You may have to decide is it more important to be a nurse or to be an Aggie.


I am going to do that. My son is a Biology major who is currently waitlisted and under consideration for Blinn TEAM

UTD is a great back up and they have top notch faculty.

Note that for undergraduate Maths program, TAMU ranks even higher than UT Austin (and other top schools like U Mich, U Wash, U Chicago…), so a little extra wait is expected.


I just spoke to someone in admissions and he stated right now Bio is not full. However, he said it was last updated Jan. 24th. He said that could have changed since then, but he doesn’t see anything indicating it’s full. For whatever that’s worth for those of us waiting.


All you folks with BIOLOGY majors waiting… I am curious if you would not mind sharing what your backup school is? My son’s backup is Abilene Christian University - a wonderful department and professors who seemed to take a genuine interest in him when he was there.