Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Oml, I’m an international student who’s been admitted to IU too! Which IU campus did you apply to?

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We’re having that exact same convo at our house at well. S23 Twin 1 is auto admit but does that really matter when he’ll still have to go through ETAM and risk not getting the major he wants when he can go to Tech for engineering (or UTSA for Comp
Sci/Cybersecurity), be guaranteed his major and get good merit aid for his stats on top of that!

Lots to think about for sure!

Tech has a very informative and helpful Facebook group for parents of engineering students, I’ve heard nothing but great things about TTUEngineering…and you get to go to Spain to boot! Btw, the Texas Tech campus in Sevilla is absolutely beautiful lol.


Same here! Let me know if you decide on IU!

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For sure!

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@sar23 you do have some great other school choices! Personally, I’m a Baylor grad, Hankamer Business is excellent!
When did you apply to A&M?

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Still no changes for me. (Bio, first quarter)

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No changes here this morning.

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@Momof3B yep, my Aggie’s best friends, that went into Engineering, were all top of their high school class, got in everywhere they applied. None chose A&M…because of ETAM. They’re now at Texas, Michigan and Texas Tech, all majoring in their intended discipline, in honors and have had incredible study abroads and internships.
ETAM totally turned them off. If my Aggie had decided to major in Engineering, instead of Business, we would’ve encouraged other schools.


No update this morning. Not sure if we are hoping for a disappearing “change major” button or not at this point. We were discussing options with our S22 last night, and his comments were, “I’m not that really high on A&M anymore”. We are from Maryland, so when we went to visit last fall, it was a totally new experience for him (we had only been to the schools in the southeast). He left College Station in love with the school, their traditions, and Texas as a state. A little heartbreaking to see that that has faded.


same for mine, no changes, change of major button still visible if that means anything, (Animal Science, first quarter). Was told by local AO that it might be week after spring break to hear anything…


So weird. A couple of people on Reddit lost their change major button days ago and haven’t received PSA.

to be fair i only realized that it was gone yesterday, so maybe they’re still updating the system?

@andrewpowell44 Funny because I’d actually love to get out of Texas and go East near y’all for college :rofl: I’ve applied to a few on the East coast. I think fall would be fabulous. Good luck to you!

A ton of great schools out here for sure. My D20 is at Michigan, so we visited most of the B1G schools. Us visiting Texas was a real treat for us. We were pretty neutral about visiting A&M when we went, because you can only learn so much online. We were really going to visit UT and decided to see A&M while we were out there. And like I said, he absolutely fell in love with A&M once we were on campus. Good luck to you as well!


No change for my daughter as of this morning (waitlist/Team consideration). 1st choice marketing, 2nd choice communications. Change major button is still there. Plan B is still PTA program, already put down deposit at Calloway house. Just hoping for Blinn Team to be “official”.


@Mc5gonzalez what were your daughters stats and when did she apply? I’m sure you realize you can’t select ‘Marketing’ as a major choice, that would just be Mays. Both Mays and Comm are full, so hopefully your daughter will be offered General Studies in TEAM🤞🏼
Callaway House definitely houses a lot of straight Blinn kids. Sounds like you’re familiar with PTA.
Keep us posted!

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I applied a bit late, November 1st

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@sar23 ahh, that’s a big problem. Mays was most likely full by then. Many students apply August 1, when application opens.
I hope you’ll give serious consideration to Baylor Hankamer Business…a great business school, gorgeous campus and solid athletics! They have quite a few international students also.

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Still no change here either… {crickets}