Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Agreed! Excellent stats on our end too…really a shocking outcome. There are many pathways in and our son may consider PTA or just head to another school. Does anyone know if there are limited options for PSA campuses? For kinesiology, we are just wondering if he will be able to have some choices or not. Several of the campuses have his major.

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Just lost our change of major button this morning too…

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@Cindy_Hamm , I just called Admissions and was told that if some buttons or tabs are missing then a decision has been made and it will be updated on AIS after 5 today or tomorrow. She said she cannot give admission decision over the phone. She didn’t even tell me what it means when certain tabs are missing. Our change major tab is missing from manage applications but it’s still there on AIS so who knows what’s coming.


Literally just lost my son’s change of major button on ‘manage applications’ but not on AIS. Everything else is the same. Why do I have this feeling that they are just trying to hurry up and issue thousands of PSA’s before they go on vacation?


First change since August 1…change of major disappeared from Howdy today at 12:30 eastern.

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Same thing happened to us Change major button missing in manage but still in AIS. What does that mean? Do the others who received PSA have change major button missing in both pages?

Same thing just happened to us too


Thanks for posting the admissions call info. Lost “change of major” in manage app but still have it in AIS. Just happened within the hour.


Just to time stamp this for future people – on March 11th 2022 looks like a massive wave of thousands of PSA’s coming to people who selected ‘BLINN TEAM or WAITLIST.’ Meanwhile, WAITLIST ONLY people this past week got full admission. And a handful of TEAM ONLY got admitted before that. So was BLINN TEAM OR WAITLIST the kiss of death? (I had thought WAITLIST ONLY’ was the kiss of death but seems otherwise in 2022)


Same here! My change major button missing in manage applications but showing up in AIS.

also - the timing – telling people that after 5pm on Friday of Spring Break they will find out they were rejected – just seems pretty lame. They just don’t want to be there to get phone calls or have to deal with emails. I have to say that A&M out of 7 other colleges has been the most mysterious and rudest in their communications with my son.


My change major button disappeared just now too. Nice.
Stats: 1330 SAT, 3.68 UW GPA, 9AP classes, 2nd qtr (barely) Very competitive HS with over 1,000 students in my grade.
Applied early August and there literally has been no changes until TODAY - 7 months later :rage:

I won’t be taking the PSA offer and certainly not after they kept us waiting this long. Maroon is definitely NOT my color now. I just heard from Trinity U 2 days ago and was accepted. I’ll be attending admitted students day next week. Also visiting UTSA to possibly go for the UT CAP offer(because first of all they are a better school, but secondly they did not keep me hanging.) Have many more options as well, so it’s time to really dive into those.

So completely disappointed with how A&M handled admissions. I’ll be writing them a letter…they can read it or not, but it will make me feel better. I applied to over 25 colleges this year and NOT ONE handled admissions as poorly as TAMU. Do better, A&M, you obviously can but clearly don’t care.

So much for the positivity. Sorry everyone…seriously sorry because we are clearly passionate students with really nice stats and A&M didn’t get to see that.
We WILL be happier at our other colleges if we do not choose the PSA route. Let’s go explore them and at least we can quit checking for updates 20zillion times a day now.

The students on this forum and their parents ROCK. Those who got in, Congrats!
Those who didn’t or choose not to take the PSA offer- we will bring our passion and brains to those colleges that appreciate us. Love you guys. Loved this forum. Best of luck! :heart:


Same here!

I fully agree – we’ve been in this journey since August with our son and seven other universities have been better in communications.

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If u go for CAP, you might also look at UT Tyler and see if that is an option. Some people love UT San Antonio and others don’t… My understanding is commuter school and quite a few military students that are older. Think UT Tyler might be more of a true freshman class.

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I totally agree with you that the timing is not good. However I think someone else noted that administration is in all next week except for Friday.


This just happened to my son, too. He never got the email to choose Blinn Team or Waitlist. He has just been in review since submitting app on 8/4.

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Sorry, can’t remember. English or Engineering major?

Is there anyone out there who is still waiting and didn’t have one of their change major buttons disappear?

Y’all, I am so sorry about the PSA offers rolling out before spring break for you or your kiddos. It is a gut punch for sure, but it can also be the right decision and move you/your student to bigger and better things. That will look differently for each person. Do not let this define you. Most of you had really great stats. That too, doesn’t define you.

Go out there, find your passion, your voice and your future. Be awesome and kind.

Here to help with pathways (talk through them) if you need to.