Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@hstrsphnt , nothing here. Like everybody is saying, I think we will have to wait until after December to for review admits :frowning:

Last year there were several “waves” my son received his admittance mid-November for Engineering! Hopefully there will be more holistic admittance soon!


Gotcha. It’s only if the q drop then that negates them from auto ETaM?

I’m surprised they would make you take more sciences if you have exhausted them all in DC. So glad my kids weren’t engineering. I couldn’t handle the stress lol

You might be interested in an earlier discussion regarding retaking dual credit (yes, engineering allowed it a couple of years ago since the rigor of CC isn’t the same as Tamu classes). Their policy may have changed, though

From @kwhdman (post 62?) and the thread “TAMU Engineering Advice!!! plz help”

"I received some clarification - in writing! - regarding dual credit classes.

Per Mr. Buchanan, students ARE allowed to retake courses previously taken outside of TAMU.
My discussion specifically addressed Calculus (for MATH 151) and Chemistry for (CHEM 119 & 120). If someone else is considering this, please note if the courses are retaken, the state of Texas won’t allow the retakes to be considered for financial aid purposes because the student will have alrady earned graded college credit.

I received different information from an advisor, so I looped back to Mr. Buchanan. He again assured me that my son could retake those dual credit classes at TAMU. He said it wasn’t very common because a grade has already been earned.

I spoke with my son, and at this point, that is what he is planning to do instead of just moving to the next courses in sequence at TAMU. He will take dual credit Calculus and Chemistry his senior year of high school. The classes wil transfer to TAMU, but he will then retake them because he wants to make sure he has a solid foundation before pursuing higher level math courses at TAMU. He can then acclimate to college life and the additional rigor/speed of TAMU’s math & science courses with hopefully less stress his freshman year on earning the 3.75 GPA for automatic ETAM.

I think we now have a plan. : )"

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Is there anyone out there who did not submit test scores with application???

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@Eggscapgoats - that sounds like the same information we received. I believe all engineering freshman have to pass the math placement test even if they have dual credit, so that again tells me you can “retake” a high school dc course if it wasn’t rigorous enough for the student to master TAMU’s expectations. We will probably check back one more time before signing up for dc courses next semester.


I have officially have six tabs!!!


What are your stats? Exciting!

Homeschool top ten percent (was assigned that rank), 1460 SAT, 4.0 GPA UW (with 7 dual enrollment classes), business major (might change it to philosophy)

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But you’re too 10% now right??


My 2 cents. Stick with Mays and minor in Philosophy if you want. You’ll at least be marketable after graduation.

Management pre law track is a great route if you’re wanting law school.

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@Eggscapgoats this was the thread I found too that helped to answer my question but I am confirming with my son’s college counselor and math teacher to see what the best course of action would be. He is currently taking BC Calc at his school and his teacher also teaches this course at the local community college and told the kids they might want to apply to have this current class count for dual credit as well. That was when I reached out to get more information and found out that there was an exam that he would need to take (and pass obviously) in order for his current high school to do the paperwork to submit to the CC for his enrollment. I’m thinking we no longer want to pursue this route and just stick with the AP only option and see how he does with the AP exam next May. I’m in favor of having him take math 151 and 152 for his first year (he scored a 5 on his AB AP exam which I believe would exempt him from 151 if he took the credit, which we will not). Ofcourse we are a review candidate and still waiting anxiously to hear back but I’m trying to burn off my nervous energy by making sure we don’t miss anything or do anything that could hurt his chances for ETAM should he get an offer. Thanks for everyone’s help.

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Best wishes for quick admission! Yes, choosing for that technical class to be AP instead of DC is the way to go. For engineers, DC is great for english, history, government, etc, just not technical classes. Be careful of hs gc, they don’t always understand how too much DC can hurt an applicant and they dont understand the ETAM process. Definitely best to be safe rather that sorry when it comes to ETAM. What is your DS desired engineering major?


You can take as many APs as you want, but don’t go over 40 DCs as TAMU has it written formally that students with 40+ DC won’t be admitted to Gateway or Blinn TEAM.


One may argue whether 40 DCs are towards a degree or not, you don’t want this gray area during admission busy season.


And don’t accept your AP credits before coming to A&M (or anywhere) and meeting with Advisor!
Entering with than 40 DC can also makes it very difficult to change majors, down the road, if necessary.
Good advice, @FriscoDad !


Computer science. Which I know is super competitive.

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Regarding DC classes and ETAM… FYI for those interested, this is just a clarification. I confirmed with an advisor today that for the 3.75 auto admit into a major, the cumulative GPA used is only for those classes that were taken at TAMU. It will not include any DC classes or other courses that were transferred from another institution.


I keep coming to this thread to see if anyone has any hot news. I know that is unlikely on a Tuesday. I need a hobby that isn’t this! :joy:


@kwhdman good info for incoming freshman families. This goes for ALL majors, not just Engineering. Your TAMU gpa is always classes taken only at TAMU; courses taken at other institutions-DC, PSA schools, community college junior college, etc-show up on transcript, but only credit is given, grades never factored into TAMU gpa.

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