Texas Tech Clark Scholars 2023

The application opened today. How many of us are applying this year?

I think I will but genuinely will be fine if I don’t get in. accepting 12/500 people makes admission so random.

I though it was close to 700 last year. :laughing:

just submitted my application-- I’m wondering whether it is more/less competitive depending on what subject area you apply to? it seems like nearly all previous scholars are in STEM fields, with only 1 history and 1 econ (?) subject concentration last year. Do we think there are drastically fewer humanities applicants this year? I would guess so seeing as the subject areas have been cut down as well.
good luck to everyone! this program is a huge long shot, haha!

12/700, we didn’t even bother applying. they really should add more spots.

When do acceptances come out?

By Early May - last year they released results around 29th of April…

Definitely makes it more competitive. Not sure if it necessarily makes it more random.

Has anyone received interview or questions on 2023 Clark Scholars?

Nothing for me

Did anyone get their result?

Results out?

They contacted the scholars earlier in the past. Don’t think there’s any chance for us if we still haven’t been contacted yet.

Has anyone received acceptance letter?

I need to know if acceptances went?

Not sure but I heard from two that got admitted but not going due to previous commitments.

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Anyone re dive word from Clark Scholars?


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also when did they receive their acceptance email?
