<p>last minute college add-ons....so im californian, asian american, christian. im sure you've all seen my stats and my college list but for those who havent....</p>
<p>3.6-3.7 GPA, 1230 SATs, 2 very good recs
copy editor of school yearbook
secretary of key club
school rep of american cancer society teen board
youth action council
soccer team
swim team
chorale program
church youth group
mission trip to tijuana every year
academic talent development program at UC Berkeley for last 5 yrs with straight A's
APs: AP Psych, AP Calc AB, AP Bio, AP French 4/5
national honor society</p>
<p>the schools im considering in Texas are Southern Methodist, Southwestern, Trinity, Baylor. What do you guys know of each of these schools (area, diversity, size, academic, strongest programs, sports, financial aid, etc..)</p>
<p>how would you rank these 4 schools with each other???</p>