thank god for essays

<p>I know that at most colleges, essays can't make or break the admittance decision.........but chicago seems a little different. my grades aren't really bad (3.3-3.4, i know its not usually what chicago admits get, but i'm at private school so maybe that will be taken into account) but they kind of dropped a little (not drastic) this first semester, however, i know my second semester grades will be better and probably back to my previous ones, maybe better. However, I have a really good idea for an essay. can an exceptional essay make up for some small holes considering chicago is more essay focused than other colleges?</p>

<p>Good essay or not, Chicago is going to want to see that you took challenging classes and rose to the occasion as much as possible-- Libby has even said on these forums that the transcript is the most important factor of the application. They will also want to see that you have the intellectual and academic drive to succeed here. But, at the same time, the transcript is not the determining factor, and if you're on the bubble, a great essay might push you into the admit category.</p>

<p>If you are looking for schools that are academically engaging and might be more sympathetic to your not-low-but-not-super-high grades, especially when paired with an awesome and insightful essay, check out schools like Lawrence, Whitman, Bard, Reed, Beloit, Earlham, Knox, etc.</p>