My daughter had four wonderful years at NU. NU indeed does not have a business school but there is a great school of management. The Kellogg Certificate Program for Undergraduates is one of the highlights of her NU life. Any highly motivated student who wants to be a business major should consider Northwestern and the Kellogg CPU.
@Indycat Did your daughter tell you what she liked specifically about CPU? The website says CPU has access to recruiting resources from Kellogg. What was her experience as far as recruiting goes?
For Kellogg CPU students, the job placement is handled by Kellogg. The lady in charge, Rachel, is very responsible and extremely helpful. In term of placement, it is a huge advantage to be CPU students compared with just NU students. TBH, my daughter is not smart. It is just invaluable for her to have the opportunity to take several classes and be connected with many high achievers.