Thank you!

<p>About to submit part 2 of the application (part 1 was earlier today)!!!!!! And just submitted all of my Common Applications.</p>

<p>I've checked and double checked and double checked that for MIT (ad x10), but I know as soon as I hit that button, I'll have the "PANIC! I must have messed something up!" reaction. Better just hope for the best then, eh?</p>

<p>Since that first day in August when I created a Common App account and then later a MyMIT account, the year has gone by fast, and the stress of applications is almost over (until grad schoolÂ…). Thanks to Mollie, Piper, and Chris for so diligently answering my questions during this process and to all on CC who have been kind enough to offer their advice and insights.</p>

<p>Good luck all RD and differed EA applicants and Happy New Years everyone!!!</p>

<p>Best of luck, and congrats on finishing the app :)</p>

<p>Astrophy: I feel the same way! Finally sent in all my apps but still worrying I made a mistake even though Ive checked it over like 824109859018 times ;p</p>