Submitted my last application and it was MIT's

<p>Yay, anyone feel relived like me?</p>

<p>^^^me, but last one was for Princeton.</p>

<p>Quite relived, but I enjoyed filling up the applications but only for MIT. Its terrifying filling out 16 applications lol.</p>

<p>VERY relieved. I just pressed the submit button about 45 minutes back.
I preferred Caltech’s application though, I felt I could portray myself better.</p>

<p>My last app is Oberlin…</p>

<p>…but it’s not due for close to two weeks.</p>

<p>my last was MIT too. just sent it, lol. I couldn’t let it go…had to be perfect. XD. But yea, SYNCHROTRON, I applied to a million colleges too…like 12 excluding public schools. I think I’m broke after all those fees I had to pay…grrr!! (or, correction, my parents are now broke. I love you mom.).</p>

<p>god, 5 minutes before deadline and my parents were like screaming in my face to send it. I was like jeez, im the one applying here (note: always tell ur parents you sent ur app 2 weeks in advance even if you didn’t). but yea, that was intense. probably not very healthy though…
well, now im gonna take a shower and wash away my troubles…then finish FAFSA and CSS.</p>

<p>my life’s great isn’t it?</p>

<p>finally! i did all of the optional ones, edited till 11:53, submitted at 11:54, and received a confirmation by 11:55! the big one is out of the way!</p>

<p>I submitted on 12.02am 4th Jan, is it okay?</p>

<p>^^ i think your user ID answers your question.</p>

<p>lol joke. if you got that email by MIT saying they received part 2, it should be fine i guess.
besides, was it 12:02 boston time?</p>

<p>I agree with prime235 about telling your parents that you have already sent the apps in advance. My parents wouldn’t stop bugging me, even tho once I had my common app essay done, I was ready to send everything out. So, I just said I had finished one app each day they ask, stopping their endless interruptions when I am trying to write an essay.
And, I just have one thing to say now: GLAD IT’S OVER.</p>

<p>Agree with yamakira about: GLAD GLAD GLAD GLAD IT’S OVER!</p>

<p>I know!!! the worst part is that they bug you when you’re writing an essay and its like “mom, if you keep saying that, I’ll end up writing a bad essay and when I don’t get into MIT it’ll be all your fault.” </p>

<p>well i didn’t actually say that, but I wanted to sooooooo badly. again, I love my mom. XD</p>

<p>Hai guys, I’m glad you guys are excited, but I’m only 43% of the way through. I applied to three already, I’m applying to seven altogether.</p>