That one genius kid in your school everyone knows about....

<p>Is it me or do you guys have that one genius kid that stands out in your school...I mean you have your top 10 for every grade where our top 5 have cumulatives of 96 or above, but then there's "that" kid..</p>

<p>this kid, born in America, speaks Spanish, French, and Portuguese fluently and is learning Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese...not to mention he obviously knows English</p>

<p>This kid is taking AP BC Calculus in 11th grade while taking our hardest AP (physics)....even before his senior year when everyone else cries in that class...and he';; have 7 APs done by the end of his junior year, even though virtually all seniors with full AP schedules end up with 8 or 9 total AP classes in their high school career.</p>

<p>kids like these really put me in my place.</p>

<p>AAH now, those ppl lower my self-esteem, especially if they’re in my grade.</p>

<p>you’re telling me…:(</p>

<p>there’s this one kid who stands out so much. He’s the only kid in my AP physics class who gets the stuff. The whole class fails the test nd he gets a 100. Literally, the graders went as following : 100, 63, 61, and so forth. It’s ridiculous. He always reads the chapter b4 we even starts it and has arguments with the teacher about situations and ends up winning. It’s quiet annoying to be frank.</p>

<p>There’s a frosh (I’m a sophomore) and…</p>

<p>He went from 2nd to 5th grade in one year
Took Algebra I in 6th grade (the highest track is taking it in 7th grade)
Geometry H in 7th grade
Algebra II H in 8th grade (he went to the high school in the morning to take it, then went back to the middle school for the rest of the day)
Precalculus H & AP Microeconomics (11/12 grade course) in 9th grade</p>

<p>So he has over a 100 average in my Precalc class. Our teacher gives Extra Credit for going to Math League. He does the away meets too, so he got 17 EC points (added to your test grade) first quarter.</p>

<p>Keep in mind this kid is turning 13 in June, is a frosh (12 right now), & is one year ahead of the grade he’s in (is a 9th grader, 7th grader by age) in math. So he’ll be taking BC Calc when he’s a sophomore & turns 14, and then who knows what. And I don’t even know what he does in science (actually he’s normal there, I saw him in his Bio H class once, which is normal for frosh) and he’s supposed to be good at that too. I hear he sucks at liberal arts though :D</p>

<p>We have one super genius freshman, I’m a sophomore and
She’s 13
In English II
In Alg II
In Spanish III
In AP Art (confuses me)
The funny thing is, she gets pretty normal grades (mostly A’s and a few B’s) but is really a genius which you can tell by how intelligently she speaks. She’s also pretty well rounded and even though she is kind of odd just because she is interested in wayy different things than everyone else, she has normal social skills.</p>

<p>Then there is this other girl.
Shes in all honors and one AP which is the standard advanced trek at my school (to make myself feel better I’m taking 2 AP’s but have a healthy mix of A’s and B’s). She does nothing but studies, studies, studies. She has straight A+'s and has above a 100 average in AP Euro which is the hardest class at my school. This girl lacks the most basic social skills and was held back a year so she could have academic advantages so she turned 16 the march of freshman year. This girl will be valedictorian no doubt, yet she is definitely less smart and less able to function than most of the other honors kids in my grade.</p>

<p>lol. there’s not like <em>one</em> person or so i thought. but apparently everyone knows about me and how “smart” i am especially the underclassmen none of whom i’ve seen before? which is sort of creepy.</p>

<p>Most "genuis"es in high school are just above-average people who lack social skills and consequently spend all their time doing schoolwork. There are obviously a lot of incredibly intelligent people out there, of course, but don’t buy into the hype too easily.</p>

<p>I mean, someone who has NO social skills probably won’t get too far in life anyway since most work requires some form of communication (I’m sure there are exceptions) so I wouldn’t be too jealous. Also, how happy can they be just studying all the time?</p>

<p>there are a few at my school (an extremely competitive school in the Bay Area). and no, they’re not nerds; on the whole they’re just normal people who happen to be incredibly, incredibly smart.</p>

<p>its not to say they dont have social skills…“that kid” in my school actually substituted for our teacher one day in class (bc calc) when she had a meeting, totally explained everything in detail.</p>

<p>i think it was just u-substitution though…but still, he was better than some white board full of notes.</p>

<p>when I think of genius, I think of creativity. so in my eyes getting a 4.0/2400 is not genius because it doesn’t require creativity. genius requires coming up with original ideas.</p>

<p>^LOL because last year, whenever my Latin teacher would be absent, he’d write a note for the sub that’s like “Just let IV teach the class” heheh. awkward.</p>



<p>LOL Thank you for stroking my ego… I beat all of those. </p>

<p>I think the smartest people are those you never notice. There’s an 8th grader in my online Calculus BC class… most people don’t know it though.</p>

<p>It used to be me, because I didn’t have a really wide group of friends. That’s what happens when people only know you in the context of school. How to solve the problem? Study a wee bit less, go to more football games, talk more in school, and have people think of you as [glassesarechic] rather than as the resident nerd.</p>

<p>There are a few unsociable kids with good grades, sure, but the people I could see being val are all pretty social and well-rounded, luckily.</p>

<p>OP, that “kid” sounds like every other regular kid in my school lol. In our school, having finished 7 APs by junior year is considered average. Our valedictorian actually achieved national ap scholar by end of sophomore year, probably the youngest national ap scholar in US haha. But that kid’s (in your school) ability to speak multiple languages is amazing though. </p>

<p>Taking AP Calc BC in 11th grade is average is it not? At least its nothing to be recognized for. My brother is actually in 8th grade and he is taking AP Calc AB this semester and AP Calc BC next semester.</p>

<p>geniuses don’t really lower my self esteem but motivate me to work harder. I actually acknowledge their gift and encourage them to pursue thier passion. Most geniuses are lonely and I really hate it if the future scientist to cure cancer commits suicide in high school.</p>



<p>What are you talking about? That’s way above average, even on CC. And it is definitely something to be recognized for. 95%+ of people don’t take BC until 12th grade assuming they take it at all.</p>

<p>Honestly, this whole admissions process keeps getting more and more ridiculous. Soon a 2300+ really won’t mean that much. It’ll be expected. Same with a 3.9+ or 750+ SAT II’s. It will no longer be special to take classes at a JC. Everyone will be doing it. Calc AB in 9th or 10th will no longer be a big deal.</p>

<p>the typical student never takes calculus, not even in college. Calc BC in 11th grade is not average in any way whatsoever.</p>

<p>in my school:
13 yrs. old
finished multivariable calculus
13 AP’s by time of graduation- 5’s on all
AP Physics C (both)- sophomore year
2nd smartest math kid in the state</p>

<p>that is the definition of genius…nuff said</p>