That was nuts and I don't see how it doesn't damage the kids

I work with marketing people frequently, so I understand exactly what the elite colleges are doing. They are getting precisely the response they want to get, and it does become a self-reinforcing cycle for them, where they advertise out that [Name your T20 School] is the best path to success, get the career placement stats up as soon as possible, and the drive home the marketing message that students need to go there if they want to be successful. They then scoop up many of the top students, many of whom would have been just as successful anywhere they went to college, which results in better placement numbers down the road. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I know we are supposed to keep the board civil, but your interpretation of that thread borders on gaslighting. The thread you are talking about has literally dozens of posts about the number of top earners and average salaries 5 years out and number of CEOs from the elite schools. I tried to point out that there was a clear case of comparing apples and either got ignored or contradicted by those focused on the elite schools.

There was also a consistent level of hubris throughout the thread. This is a post you made in that thread. It was not the only one along these lines, but the theme is consistent.

I won’t even bother to interpret it. The post speaks for itself.